What do these two contests have in common? Coffee!
I recently came across a couple of great travel nurse contests: Furnished Finder and Tafford Uniforms are both hosting some fun ones right now! Here’s a little bit of information on them. Get your game on!
Furnished Finder Property Review Contest
Furnished Finder wants you to share reviews of the three most recent properties you’ve stayed in while on assignment. The first 50 qualified folks will each win a $20 Starbucks gift card. Free coffee!
Click here to learn more about how you can win!
Tafford Uniforms American Heart Month Celebration and Contest
In honor of American Heart Month, Tafford Uniforms and Travel Nursing Blogs have teamed up to offer the chance to win a Littman Classic II Stethoscope. Three runner-ups will also win a Travel Nursing Blogs coffee mug with a $5 Starbucks gift card.
Click here to learn more about how you can win as well as 10 tips you can share for a heart healthy lifestyle!
Thanks for hosting these fun travel nurse contests, Furnished Finder and Tafford Uniforms!