When Do Social Media Posts Go Too Far and Violate HIPAA?

Social media platforms are great ways to interact with other travel nurses and make friends with nurses on the other side of the world. It’s also a great tool to keep in touch with family and friends while away on an assignment.

Social media continues to grow. The number of social media users in 2018 was 3.196 billion, up 13 percent from the previous year. Social media has become a place to “vent” or share experiences for many travel nurses.   But, at what point does “venting” or sharing become HIPAA violations?

One of the most common social media HIPAA violations includes posting patient gossip.

The HIPAA Privacy Rule prohibits the use of PHI on social media networks. That includes; any text about specific patients and images or videos that could result in a patient being identified. It is easy to think you aren’t doing any harm because you aren’t mentioning names; however, certain details could give away who is being discussed. There have been instances where only slight details were given in the post, but that was enough for others and even the media to pick up on who was being discussed.

Some of the things you witness are hard to keep to yourself.

Wanting to share these experiences is understandable. With social media at our fingertips, it is typically the place we turn to first, thanks to our phones. Even if it is a “private” post, it isn’t always private. People often screenshot posts and share them on their own.

While you may not mention where the experience happened, if you have your place of employment listed on your profile or shared your most recent assignment, it won’t be hard to figure out where it happened. All it takes is one person to tip that hospital or facility off that you posted something. That could put your assignment and license in jeopardy, but you could also face fines.

Here are some tips that Healthcare Compliance Pros suggest considering before making a post on social media in regards to HIPAA violations:

Know the difference between personal and professional use.

Personal use of social media is often referred to as social media use on an account that is registered to an individual that is not used for business purposes.

Professional use is generally using social media for approved business purposes on behalf of an account registered to an organization, practice, or provider. You may have language in place in a social medial policy that states if personal use of social media is or is not permitted during business hours. Your policy may also explain the professional use of social media on behalf of the organization, practice, or provider; in other words, who should post, who should update, what should be posted, etc.

Understand if there are any risks involved with what you are about to post.

Whether posting on your personal account or a professional account, it is important to understand any risks. For example, if you post something, there may be a risk of receiving negative feedback from the public. There may be a risk of sharing proprietary information or content that could get into the hands of someone with malicious intent. Some tips to mitigate risk include: posting accurate information, respectfully disagreeing with negative comments, etc.

Remember, communication on social media is powerful.

Just recently, the power of social media has been on full display. Social media allows information to be communicated almost instantly to a broad audience and maybe communicated worldwide. Understand when you work for a professional organization, what you post on your personal social media sites may potentially have an impact on your professional reputation. Before you post, consider if anything you are sharing could impact you, your patients’ privacy, or your organization in any way.

Social media can be a great way to improve patient care and the coordination of it. However, if it isn’t used with caution, HIPAA violations can happen. As a federal mandate, all healthcare facilities have HIPAA Privacy and HIPAA Security policies in place. Familiarize yourself with these. These will tell you what you should or should not be posting about on social media.

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing offers some advice on posting on social media as well.

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Questions You Should Ask the Facility During a Phone Interview

The phone interview with the facility isn’t just a time for the facility to get to know you; it is also a time for you to get information on the facility. This is important to know if the assignment and facility are right for you. Below you will find nine things that are important to ask the facility during the phone interview.

Nurse to Patient Ratio

Nurse to patient ratio is always important to ask. You do not want to go into an assignment where the nurse-to-patient ratio is too high. As you know, the nurse-to-patient ratio generally depends on your specialty and the facility/unit itself.

Scrub Colors

As you know, as a travel nurse, every hospital, even the different units in the facilities, often has its own color scrubs. Knowing this during your interview will help you plan for the assignment should you get it/take it. The Gypsy Nurses’ website offers a great resource for finding and entering a facility’s scrub colors. Search for the facility and enter the scrub requirements in the box.

Floating Policy

If you aren’t interested in floating often, it is important to know the floating policy at the facility you are interviewing. This way, there are no surprises once you are working on the assignment.

Charting System

Not all facilities use the same charting systems, as you know. And as you know, the charting systems can and do vary significantly. You may not be familiar with the charting system, meaning one more thing to learn in an already short orientation period.

Length of Orientation

Speaking of orientation, it is important to ask how much orientation the facility provides to travel nurses. Knowing how much orientation you will get before you take the assignment will mean no surprises when you start your assignment.

Do you use Block scheduling?

If you plan to go home on your days off or prefer to work your days in a row, this is important to ask during the interview. You can ask that it be written in the contract regardless. However, knowing if this is something they do or don’t do will help when deciding to take the assignment or not if it is of high importance to you.


Not all hospitals have on-site parking or charge for parking. Knowing this ahead of taking the assignment will help you make your decision and help to decide what exactly needs to be in your contract. If they charge for parking, you may ask for parking to be included in your Meals and Incidentals stipend on your contract. 

Weekend and Holiday Requirements

As a travel nurse, the last thing you want is to get to the assignment and get scheduled to work every weekend or holiday if they fall during your assignment. This is another case where you can try to include it in there if you know before signing the contract.

Chances of Extending

You may want to extend if you enjoy the contract and the area. During the initial interview, this is a great time to find out if there is an opportunity to extend your contract should you want to at the end of your first contract.

We hope this list of questions to ask the facility during the phone interview has been helpful. Whether you are new to travel nursing or a veteran, we hope there was not something for everyone. While this list is not all-inclusive and there are sure to be more questions you may feel are important to ask. If you think we missed important ones, please feel free to comment on them below. 

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Packing For A 13 Week Assignment

Packing in рrераrаtiоn for уоur 13 wееk travel assignment саn either be an еnjоуаblе experience or a nightmare. Thеrе are two ways to analyze thе items уоu intеnd to take on an assignment.

Don’t take too much!

Firѕt, уоu might dесidе to tаkе аlоng everything thаt iѕn’t рhуѕiсаllу bоltеd down in уоur hоmе. Thаt, hоwеvеr, iѕ a miѕtаkе. If you tаkе too much on уоur vасаtiоn, you will inеvitаblу bе tiеd uр trуing to mаnаgе thе ѕаmе mаtеriаl роѕѕеѕѕiоnѕ that you hаvе cluttering uр уоur lifе bасk hоmе. Hоwеvеr, уоu dеfinitеlу nееd to tаkе itеmѕ thаt аrе absolutely еѕѕеntiаl so that уоur assignment is еnjоуаblе.

If thеrе iѕ any question about juѕt hоw essential аn itеm rеаllу iѕ thеn maybe it wоuld be mоrе рrudеnt to lеаvе it out оf your bаgѕ! Thе kеу tо packing juѕt what wе need liеѕ in a careful соnѕidеrаtiоn of the fасtѕ. Dесiding what tо take аlоng аnd whаt tо lеаvе bеhind is аll dependent, оf соurѕе, оn your рrесiѕе destination, уоur lоdging аrrаngеmеntѕ, how уоu will bе traveling, and a dоzеn оr ѕо оthеr fасtоrѕ.

Tips for Pасking Your Luggаgе fоr a 13 Wееk Assignment

A 13 wееk travel assignment iѕ a valuable luxury for thе аvеrаgе working person. Hоwеvеr, ѕоmе mау find it ѕtrеѕѕful during the расking рhаѕе. Gеtting ready for a triр can bе еxhаuѕting, mаking thе gеtаwау еvеn mоrе рlеаѕurаblе. Pасking fоr a wееks lоng assignment does nоt hаvе to bе diffiсult, however. Below are a fеw tips that can help уоu knоw how tо bеѕt pack уоur luggаgе fоr уоur wееks in paradise.

Make a packing list

Thе firѕt thing you ѕhоuld do when packing fоr 13 weeks lоng assignment iѕ mаkе a liѕt. Thiѕ will kеер you frоm forgetting аnуthing thаt уоu will nееd whilе away frоm hоmе. Break the list dоwn intо categories, and writе down еvеrу ѕinglе itеm you рlаn tо tаkе with уоu, nо matter how imроrtаnt the itеm is. It mау ѕееm funnу tо inсludе undеrwеаr оn уоur liѕt. Still, you will bе ѕurрriѕеd аt thе numbеr оf реорlе whо mау fоrgеt (or nоt расk enough) undеrgаrmеntѕ whеn lоаding their suitcase.

Make sure your luggage is a good size.

Make ѕurе уоur luggаgе is a gооd size fоr you and еvеrуthing уоu nееd tо tаkе with you. Thiѕ mау mean carrying multiple bags, but you will wаnt tо mаkе sure you have еnоugh ѕрасе tо accommodate аll оf уоur itеmѕ. Cramming your bаgѕ full соuld rеѕult in dаmаgе tо уоur ѕuitсаѕеѕ or your bеlоngingѕ thаt аrе inѕidе. Considerations rеgаrding hоw muсh уоu need tо расk should аlѕо bе made in оrdеr tо limit thе numbеr оf pieces оf luggаgе you tаkе with you. It iѕ best to hаvе thе fеwеѕt bags with уоu, еѕресiаllу if уоu are traveling оn an airplane.

Knоwing hоw tо pack for a 13-week assignment can save you a grеаt dеаl оf stress. Yоu ѕhоuld bеgin early еnоugh ѕо thаt уоu аrе not ruѕhing around at thе lаѕt minutе. Doing so will nо dоubt hеlр you forget a fеw muѕt have items frоm your hоmе.

Things nоt tо forget whеn расking for уоur 13 wееk vасаtiоn

With уоur flights and accommodations bооkеd, thе luggage iѕ the lаѕt thing ѕtоррing you frоm thаt grеаt assignment. Wе knоw it fееlѕ likе a сhоrе, but if уоu follow оur expert расking tiрѕ, уоu’ll nеvеr hаvе tо wоrrу.

Nаmе tаgѕ are thеrе tо hеlр

Unlеѕѕ you’re аn international mаn оf mуѕtеrу, уоu shouldn’t hаvе to worry about trаvеlling incognito. Most ѕuitсаѕеѕ соmе with nаmе tags fittеd аѕ standard, ѕо bе sure tо fill thеm in juѕt in case уоu – оr thе airline – lоѕе уоur luggage!

Skiр the shoes

Thе biggеѕt аnd mоѕt fruѕtrаting itеm оf luggage. Hоw mаnу раirѕ оf ѕhоеѕ уоu ѕhоuld tаkе is vеrу much dереndеnt оn hоw long your assignment might bе. Still, wе’d ѕuggеѕt thаt fivе pairs iѕ a rеаѕоnаblе аvеrаgе for a 13-week gеtаwау. Mоrе imроrtаnt thаn vоlumе is vеrѕаtilitу, ѕо make ѕurе уоu’rе not ѕtuсk hiking in ѕtilеttоѕ by bringing a pair of ѕhоеѕ fоr еvеrу rеаliѕtiс оссаѕiоn оf your trip. Wear уоur most сumbеrѕоmе pair on thе рlаnе – рluѕ, ѕtuff уоur socks in the rest – and уоu’ll ѕаvе even mоrе ѕрасе.

Keep toiletries separate.

Keep your toiletries ѕераrаtе frоm thе rest of thе luggage. Sometimes shampoo оr bоdу wash саn lеаk frоm thеir bоttlеѕ, which соuld ruin уоur сlоthеѕ, ѕhоеѕ, and other bеlоngingѕ. It iѕ bеѕt tо put them in their own bag tо рrеvеnt thiѕ from happening or buy these items once you reach your destination.

Cаtеgоriѕе уоur сlоthеѕ

When packing clothes, paсk clothes in grоuрѕ: thаt means ѕhirtѕ with shirts, pants with раntѕ -it’ѕ еаѕiеr tо find whаt you nееd and unрасk оn thе оthеr side.

Bе dеliсаtе with уоur delicates

If you are packing any сhinа plates оr glаѕѕ gооdѕ, wrаррing thеm in bubble wrap or in-bеtwееn сlоthеѕ аnd putting them right in thе middle оf уоur case iѕ ѕаfеѕt wау tо mаkе ѕurе thеу аrrivе with уоu in оnе рiесе.

Don’t fоrgеt thе firѕt аid kit

Wе’rе nоt asking уоu tо рrераrе fоr ER, just a ѕmаll bаg with thе most necessary pills аnd mеdiсinе you might nееd. After аll, nоbоdу wаntѕ tо suffer a рuniѕhing headache, high-сlimаtе fеvеr, uрѕеt stomach оr all thrее during a trip. It might bе еаѕу enough to рiсk uр a domestic remedy fоr your ailments аt hоmе, but medicines in the соuntrу уоu are viѕiting mау be limitеd to рrеѕсriрtiоn оnlу. The ѕаmе gоеѕ fоr аllеrgу mеdѕ and аѕthmа remedies – bring thеm оn bоаrd!

Obѕеrvе rеѕtriсtiоnѕ оn bаggаgе

If уоur airline ѕауѕ: “23kg”, then they mean 23kg! Weigh уоur bаgѕ bеfоrе уоu gеt to the аirроrt аnd mаkе ѕurе уоu аrе within thе rеѕtriсtiоnѕ, оthеrwiѕе уоu’ll be fоrсеd tо cough up extra cash аt the аirроrt or, еvеn wоrѕе, have tо ѕау gооdbуе tо that lоvеlу hаnd-knittеd саrdigаn уоur grandmother spent ѕо long slaving оvеr.

All valuables gо in hand luggаgе

It’ѕ rаrе that airlines lоѕе luggаgе thеѕе dауѕ, but whу tаkе the risk? Stау ѕаfе аnd stow all уоur expensive luxuries – frоm your camera tо your diаmоnd еngаgеmеnt ring – in hand luggаgе

Hоw tо Sаvе Mоnеу on Yоur Nеxt Assignment

Gоing on assignment iѕ a gооd time to explore the unknown, learn new skills, аnd maybe сrеаtе mеmоriеѕ with new friends. Traveling саn be expensive, аnd it is easy to break thе bаnk. A littlе рlаnning ahead саn make thе соѕt of уоur next triр more аffоrdаblе.

Firѕt, you’ll wаnt tо figurе оut what уоur budgеt iѕ going to be. Knowing hоw much уоu рlаn оn ѕреnding will hеlр you dесidе whаt аttrасtiоnѕ you саn see аnd hоw much mоnеу уоu саn ѕреnd оn ѕоuvеnirѕ. If you run intо a ѕtrеаk оf gооd luck аnd еnd up with еxtrа mоnеу tо ѕреnd, уоu саn аlwауѕ upgrade your triр, but trу to сrеаtе a budget fоr аn amount of money thаt уоu knоw you will have fоr the assignment.

Assignments ѕhоuld be аn аdvеnturе!

Gеtting tо your dеѕtinаtiоn and finding оut you lеft ѕоmеthing bеhind thаt iѕ indispensable, however, саn ruin thе еxреriеnсе. To kеер that frоm happening, уоu have tо hаvе well-thought-out liѕtѕ. Those liѕtѕ аrеn’t ѕоmеthing thаt you generate аt thе last minutе. Thеу аrе ѕоmеthing thаt iѕ fоrmulаtеd and саrеfullу noted over thе соurѕе оf оur livеѕ. By following thеѕе расking tips for your 13-week assignment, you will have an еnjоуаblе experience!

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Ways to Maintain Goals While Travel Nursing

2019 is here, and for most, it’s an annual tradition to make new years resolutions and goals at the beginning year that most of us can’t keep. Add traveling into the mix, and your goals have already reached a lower survival rate than most. Your lifestyle and travel nursing shouldn’t get in the way of your goals and aspirations. That’s why we have 5 tips to help you stay on track with your goals all year long.

1.) Tell People Your Goals

There’s no better way to stay on track than having someone constantly remind you that you are working towards a goal. Tell friends, family members, or co-workers about your goals and ask them to get on you when you’re slacking, or ask them to ask you how your goals are coming along every once in a while. It’s easier to stay on track when you know people are watching.

2.) Find A Buddy

Find someone who has the same goals as you and hold each other accountable. It’s much easier to achieve them when you have someone else doing it with you. Can’t find a buddy nearby? You can always have a long-distance goal buddy and check-in via phone or social media!

3.) Make A Bullet Journal

A fun way to stay organized and express creativity easy is to start a Bullet Journal. These are easy to carry around and won’t take up too much space when you move from place to place.

4.) Utilize Apps On Your Smartphone

There are hundreds of apps out there that will keep you on track. Thanks to technology, there is literally an app for almost any goal you have, such as calorie counters for fitness and weight loss, meditation apps for relaxation, gratitude apps to keep you in check, and so much more! Some may cost a dollar or two, but it’s well worth the cost in the long run. What’s also great about these apps is sending you a notification to your phone daily to remind you to keep up with your goals!

5.) Be Flexible

One of the first things you learn as a travel nurse is to be flexible. This goes the same for goals. Achieving them does not have a cookie-cutter path. If it did, we’d all have 6 packs and a million dollars in our savings accounts. There will be setbacks, there will be discouragement, there will be a lack of time, but if you stay determined on your goals and flexible with your methods, there will be huge wins!

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Why It’s Important to Take a Vacation as a Travel Nurse

While travel nursing has the perks of competitive pay, getting to visit new cities, and adventure, you’re still working. Each assignment you take offers new adventures, but it’s still important to take a work-free vacation as a travel nurse and enjoy yourself without worrying about your next shift. Taking even a short break in between assignments is a great way to arrive at your next assignment refreshed and ready to take on new challenges.

Moving Can Be Stressful

Every seasoned travel nurse learns how to be a pro at moving every few months. However, moving into a new apartment, getting used to a new city, getting accustomed to new job duties, and getting to know new coworkers and friends can take a toll on even the most extroverted traveler. Taking a work-free vacation once a year or more is a fantastic way to de-stress and enjoy leisure time before your next assignment.

It’s Good for You

All nurses know the importance of mental and physical health, and practicing self-care is crucial. Nursing is a hard occupation. You’re on your feet most of the day and responsible for taking care of your patients. Stress is a major cause of heart disease and high blood pressure, and studies even show that those who vacation reduce their risk of heart disease and heart attack!

Vacations Help you Recharge

On assignment, you usually have a daily routine, and it’s easy to lose perspective and forget about life outside your next shift. On vacation, you have time to revisit your goals, explore new surroundings, and abandon your regular schedule to indulge in whatever you enjoy but don’t have enough time for at work. Taking regular vacations also helps prevent burnout in your career.

Vacations Can Improve your Relationships

While it can be relaxing to vacation alone, taking vacations with family, close friends, or your significant other can make your relationship stronger. In addition, exploring new areas, enjoying stress-free leisure time without worry about work, and having new adventures together strengthens the bond with the people you care about most.

Taking Vacations Make you Better at your Job

Taking vacations makes you happier, and, logically, happy people perform better at work. In fact, one study showed that for each 10 additional vacation hours an employee took per year, their performance review was 8% higher.

They Make You a Happier Person

Research shows that chronic stress levels release hormones that can lead to depression and anxiety. Taking a stress-free vacation contributes to your mental health and happiness, and the effects will last longer than your vacation.

The benefits of vacationing are clear – consider it a self-care necessity rather than an indulgence! It’s easy to say you will go and never get around to it. You only live once, so what are you waiting for?

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Great National Parks for Travel Nurses to Visit in the US

As a travel nurse, you have the opportunity to visit places you may never have before. You may also want to find things to do on your days off. Homesickness is real, so finding things to do like visiting National Parks would be a great option. We have put together a list of some of the top national parks to visit in the US to get you started. This is not the full list, just a start. Keep an eye out for future articles on more national parks to visit. They are listed below in no specific order.


Location: the western Sierra Nevada of Central California

Yosemite National Park is one of the United States’ top parks/forests to visit.   According to Wikipedia, Yosemite is “internationally recognized for its granite cliffs, waterfalls, clear streams, giant sequoia groves, lakes, mountains, meadows, glaciers, and biological diversity. Almost 95% of the park is designated wilderness.”

Yosemite is a great park to visit with your family or friends who are up for an adventure.  Yosemite has, on average, about 4 million visitors each year. 

Yellow Stone

Location: Parts of Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho

Yellow Stone was the first national park in the United States and attracts around 4 million visitors each year.

Yellowstone is probably most famous for Old Faithful geyser.  That is just one of many of Yellow Stone’s geothermal features.  The park is also famous for its wildlife.  Yellow stone represents many types of biomes. However, the subalpine forest is the most abundant.

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Location- parts in Tennessee and North Carolina

There are so many great sites to see in the Great Smokey Mountains that many suggest you take at least 3 days to see as much as possible.  The wildlife, wildflowers, lakes, trails, historic sites, and waterfalls are just a few things to see while you visit. 

The smokey mountains bring in about 12.5 million visitors each year.  Making it the most visited national park.

Mammoth Cave National Park

Location- Kentucky

According to their website, The Mammoth Cave National Park offers: “Rolling hills, deep river valleys, and the world’s longest known cave system.” The website also states that “Mammoth Cave National Park is home to thousands of years of human history and a rich diversity of plant and animal life, earning it the UNESCO World Heritage Site and International Biosphere Reserve title.” 

The Mammoth Cave National Park brings in about 2 million visitors each year.  About 500,000 take tours of the caves.

Rocky Mountain National Park — Colorado

Location- Colorado

Rocky Mountain National Park sits on over 250,000 acres in Larimer / Grand / Boulder counties in Colorado.  The main features of the park include mountains, alpine lakes, and a wide variety of wildlife within various climates and environments, from wooded forests to mountain tundra. 

The park offers a wide variety of activities.  These include hiking, rock climbing, mountaineering, and bouldering.  Fishing is permitted within the park, and there are 4 different types of trout in the park.  These include rainbow, brook, cutthroat, and German brown trout.

During the winter the most of Trail Ridge Road is closed. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t activities to do during these months.  Snow-shoeing, cross-country skiing, snowboarding, and backcountry skiing are all activities you can do at the park in the winter months.

The parks draws in over 4.5 million visitors each year.

Grand Canyon

Location: Arizona

The Grand Canyon is a well-known park. It is larger than the size of Rhode Island.  It attracts nearly 6 million visitors each year.  According to Wikipedia, “Even though It is not the deepest canyon in the world (Kali Gandaki Gorge in Nepal is much deeper), the Grand Canyon is known for its visually overwhelming size and intricate and colorful landscape.”

There are numerous things to do while you visit the Grand Canyon.  These include just site seeing, hunting, hiking, mule rides, rafting, and many other activities.  There seems to be something for everyone when visiting the Grand Canyon. 

Joshua Tree National Park

Location- Southeastern California

The Joshua Tree National Park has 2 deserts and encompasses a total of 790,636 acres.  The park’s climate is a hotter desert-like climate.  There are 9 established campsites within the park.  Hiking trails are a big hit in the park as well, and there are trails of different lengths.  These are just a few things you can do when you visit this park.

The Joshua Tree National park brings in almost 3 million visitors a year.  The total visitors more than doubled from 2013 to 2019. Awareness of the wildflower bloom in the spring has brought increased visitation.

Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska

Location- Alaska

Because of the location of this park, you are guaranteed to see many animals you won’t find in other national parks, including puffins, bears, whales, and even eagles.  There are many things to do and see.  The areas within the park vary as well.  These include glaciers, fjords, salmon streams, and glaciers.  The park offers tours on their tour boats.

According to Wikipedia “The park and preserve cover a total of 3,223,384 acres (5,037 sq mi; 13,045 km2), with 2,770,000 acres (4,328 sq mi; 11,210 km2) being designated as a wilderness area.”

A little over 500,000 people visit Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve each year.

Kings Canyon National Park

Location- Fresno and Tulare counties, California

Kings Canyon National Park is one of the least visited parks, with just under 700,000 visitors each year.   Known for its gorgeous views, many people enjoy taking their time to sightsee the park.  Hiking and site seeing are 2 of the most enjoyable things to do while visiting Kings Canyon National Park.

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

Location- Hawaii

Established in 1916, this park is home to 2 active volcanoes Kīlauea and Mauna Loa. In 2018 parts of the park were closed due to explosive and toxic ash smoke from Kilauea.  The park had mostly opened in 2020.   According to Wikipedia, “The park provides scientists with insight into the birth and development of the Hawaiian Islands and ongoing studies into the processes of volcanism. For visitors, the park offers dramatic volcanic landscapes, as well as glimpses of rare flora and fauna.” 

This park like Glacier Bay is very different from other national parks because of its location.

A little over 1 million people visit the park each year.  This is a great indication that the park is really a great place to visit considering the location and that you cannot just get in a car and travel to it.

Olympic National Park — Washington

Location- Washington’s Olympic Peninsula in the Pacific Northwest

The Olympic National Park has many activities to do all year round.  The park has a network of hiking trails.  You will need to plan for more than a weekend trip due to the size and remoteness of the trails.  Boating is available on Ozetta Lake, Lake Crescent, and Lake Quinault.  You can raft on both Elwha and Hoh Rivers.  Backpacking along the beach is also an option.  The Length of the coastline makes for a multi-day trip.

During the winter months, the park has a ski and snowboarding area that offers ski lessons, rentals, and inexpensive lift tickets. The small alpine area is serviced by two rope tows and one Poma lift. A large amount of backcountry terrain is accessible for skiers, snowboarders, and other backcountry travelers when the Hurricane Ridge Road is open

The parks draws in over 2 million visitors each year.

These are just a small number of national parks in the United States. There are many more. However, we hope this list has helped you find one near you or your next assignment. have you visited any national parks? Did they make our list? If not, comment them below! We would love to feature them in future articles.

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5 Tips for Finding Short Term Furnished Housing as a Travel Nurse

Whether you’re an experienced travel nurse, or you’re planning your first travel experience, after you take that job, there’s one decision that can make or break your assignment; furnished travel nurse housing!

You can easily get overwhelmed online and dump a ton of time calling on fruitless ads which leave you totally frustrated…and no closer to finding a suitable property to stay in. This type of stress, sometimes called “housing fatigue”, increases every day until you secure proper furnished travel nurse housing for your upcoming job.

In the past, your travel nurse recruiter may have handled your housing, but many travel nurses are now electing to take the housing stipend so they can have more control over where they stay. If you’ve ever been stuck in sub­par housing for 13 weeks, you know this! Also, since you can pocket the remaining tax free stipend dollars, most travel RN’s are realizing the importance of taking a larger role in choosing their housing.

Is it really that hard to find your own furnished travel nurse housing?  Not necessarily, it can just take a lot of time. Keep in mind that you’re looking for short-term housing which can feel a lot like looking for that “needle­in­a­haystack”! On top of that, you need it furnished, with utilities included, in a safe and convenient area, that’s pet friendly and within a reasonable budget compared to your stipend. Now, the pool of available housing options in your area has suddenly shrunk to next to nothing. Be prepared to keep digging…but where do you start?

Here are 5 tips to help you find furnished travel nurse housing

Be cautious in checking out potential landlords online

When fielding emails from potential landlords online, remember these three rules:

  • Use your intuition ­ it’s usually right.
  • Make sure the images match the price ­If the images are incredible, but the rent is grossly underpriced, it’s most likely a scam.
  • Never send money ­ Scammers are cyber­bullies preying on desperate travelers. (You can get some other tips on how to recognize a Craigslist scam Here and as well as tips from The Gypsy Nurse Here).

Extended Stay Hotels

Extended stay type of hotels are also heavily utilized by travel nurses either as a bridge between traditional housing, or as the housing solution itself. Some travelers like the amenities hotels provide like breakfast, housekeeping, and fitness centers; and most hotels will take animals up to 60 lbs. Also, the majority of these hotels have kitchens as well which can save money on food when you travel and provides an extra touch of home while you’re away for work. In addition, hotels provide you the flexibility on the backend compared to an apartment should your assignment be cancelled unexpectedly.

Travel nurses can receive large pre­negotiated rates for extended stay type hotels. TGN recommends Furnished Finder’s Hotel discounts for short stays in between contracts.  Hotels are an important part of the housing equation for the travel healthcare industry, so make sure you’re getting the best rates possible!

You have a lot of choices to make after you accept your assignment; many of which can determine your travel experience over the next 13 weeks. Use all the resources available to you and be smart about how you spend your time and money when it comes to housing.

Beware of Craigslist.com and “too good to be true” offers – they usually are!

Do you just jump on Craigslist and start making calls?  You can certainly find real housing options on Craigslist, but it comes at a cost. Frankly, you really can’t trust everything you read on Craigslist. In fact, if you’re a member of the Gypsy Nurse Travel Nurse Housing Group, you see it somewhat frequently; someone will post the too­ good ­to ­be­ true housing offer they found on Craigslist asking if it’s real. Thankfully, other members will step in and tell them to steer clear because it’s a scam. (If you’re not already a member of the popular Gypsy Nurse Travel Nurse Facebook Group and Housing Group, we encourage you to join.  They’re a great way to learn from your fellow travelers across the country).

Vacation Rental Websites

Vacation rental websites are a good resource to consider. Some of the most popular are HomeAwayVRBO, and Airbnb. You can find some great housing options on these sites, and for the most part, they keep the scammers away. You simply punch in a city or a state, and you’ll be able to view tons of vacation rentals.  Just like any site, you’ll need to filter out the properties that don’t make sense for you…like that 6 bedroom mansion that sleeps 18 people.

Most likely, you’re looking for a reasonably priced studio or 1 bedroom near the hospital where you’ll be working. Once you narrow your search results down a bit, you’ll need to dive into the availability of each property. This is usually where the proverbial asterisk or caveat in your search rears its ugly head; since most of the vacation rentals can be booked online in advance, finding a place that can host you for your entire 13-week stay can be challenging…but not impossible. When contacting property owners on these sites, operate with the 10% rule in mind; only 10% of the property owners you contact will actually respond. Knowing this, to make VRBO/HomeAway/Airbnb work for you, try to send out a lot of availability requests.

Traveling Healthcare Rentals: Monthly Furnished Housing Without Booking-fees.

By now, you’re probably pretty familiar with vacation rental sites like HomeAway, VRBO and Airbnb, and many of you may already have used sites like these to secure housing in the past. They can certainly work out in a pinch, but knowing that your contracts are typically 2-3 months at a time, booking vacation rentals for travel nurse housing can really rack up the extra fees.

Furnished Finder, the official housing partner of The Gypsy Nurse, has over 40,000 listings on their map and is typically the most affordable monthly furnished housing platform since there are no mark-ups to rent or booking fees to inflate the cost. Furnished Finder property owners are specifically looking for traveling nurse tenants so you’re usually speaking to a landlord who knows how to set up their property to meet the unique needs of the traveling healthcare worker.

Safety is top on the list for every traveler which is why Furnished Finder verifies the ownership and background checks every landlord that lists on their platform. Travelers also want to ensure that they make their stipend stretch as far as possible which is why Furnished Finder has a Stipend Calculator that helps travelers plan out their housing. You can search for housing right on The Gypsy Nurse, or through Furnished Finder directly.  Safe travels and happy renting.

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Tips for Homesick Travel Nurses

As a travel nurse, you understand that you will not be at home for many months out of the year. While it’s an understanding, it doesn’t mean being away from home is enjoyable. We speak with many travel nurses who experience homesickness during an assignment. To help, we have put together this list of 10 homesick tips for travel nurses.

10 homesick tips for travel nurses

Stay Connected Via Social Media.

Social Media is a great way to stay connected. You can see what others are doing, and they can also see what you are up to.

Get To Know Your Neighbors.

Your neighbors can be great people to help you explore new areas and no longer be homesick. When you “get adopted” by others in your new surroundings, you can create a new family.

Setup Weekly Calls With Friends & Families.

Schedules give you something to look forward to. Find a day and time that works for you and your friends or families to have a weekly call. Use it as an opportunity to catch up. If you want to have more fun, use Facetime.

Go Out With New Colleagues.

It would help if you had a few similarities with some of your colleagues. Use that to build off of. Invite one of them out to dinner, drinks, coffee, or go exploring if you have travel nurses at your facility, even more of a reason to get to know them.

Explore Your New Surroundings.

Getting out in your next city helps you establish new routines. It also takes your mind off being homesick as you become present in the moment.

Have Friends/Family Visit You.

The best way to avoid being homesick and missing your friends and family is to see them. So why not have them come out for a few days. They can see your new environment, and they get to take a little vacation. It’s a win, win.

Travel With Someone.

Many travel nurses travel with someone else. Whether it’s another traveler, a friend, a loved one, or a pet, traveling with someone is certainly one of our 10 homesick tips for travel nurses.

Join A Social League.

Many cities have sports leagues you can join. These are great ways to have something social in your schedule and meet new people.

Take Your Next Assignment Near Friends and Family.

If you want to avoid being homesick on an assignment, make your next assignment near loved ones. Be sure to let your recruiter know ASAP, depending on your ideal location. It could be competitive.

Do Something New.

There must be something on your bucket list you have always wanted to try—what better time to try something new than when you are on assignment. Doing something new can help take your mind off being said and focus that energy on your new hobby.

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8 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Became a Travel Nurse

Guest article from TGN by Kayla Reynolds

One of the great things about travel nursing is the variety of experiences for those who choose this path.  As an ICU travel nurse for the past  5+ years, I’ve learned a lot through trial and error.  If you are interested in becoming a “Gypsy” or are new to travel nursing, there are 8 things I wish I know before I became a travel nurse that I hope helps you in your journey.

Trust your gut!

I had a pretty lucrative contract in CA, but I sold my soul for it. It was a pretty rough assignment using the most outdated charting system and floated from one end of that hospital to another. Yes, I got paid well, but I certainly worked for it. My gut was right when it said, “this is too good to be true.” If you feel after an interview uneasy about anything, ask more questions, and don’t be afraid to pass on it.

Have A Safety Net!

Traveling is a risky business, and it may sound like a no-brainer but do not start traveling without some savings. You have to be ready for the unexpected, like when your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere or a contract gets canceled. You may have to live without working for a few weeks. SO, be prepared for it.

Educate yourself on taxes regarding travel nursing and what is meant by maintaining a tax home.

I spent hours researching articles related to travel nursing and taxes before becoming a travel nurse. This can be very complicated.

Read your contract!

You have to go over your contract with a fine-toothed comb. Ensure you understand everything in your contract and that it includes all the things you have asked for. Some of the top things I make sure is in my contract are pay rates for the first 36 hours, hours from 36-40, and hours from 40+ (the exception is California), requested days off, cancellation policy or guaranteed hours, canceled contract policy, travel and any other reimbursements, per diems, shift times, the specific unit I will be working, and floating policy. Make sure you understand things like non-compete clauses in your contract or any other terms you agree to.

 Before starting to apply to companies have all your documents ready.

This will include a resume, certifications, copy of your diploma, vaccination records, copy of your identification card, nursing licenses, and references. Also, every company will request that you do a skills checklist before being submitted to hospitals.

Travel nursing can be uncomfortable at times.

If you were to meet me now you would probably never guess I was not the most social and certainly not as confident as I am today. That I owe to travel nursing pushing me out of my comfort zone. I have learned to go at it on my own and not wait for anyone to tag along with me to have an adventure. I like to call it dating myself or solo explorations.

Learn from the experienced travel nurses.

All of us have made mistakes going in but if you know before you start what to look out for this may save you a lot of heartache.

Be ready for whatever is thrown your way.

Finally, your reaction to situations will make or break your travel nursing career. You can choose to throw in the towel or you can handle it. Travel nursing will test your limits sometimes but you have the power to run it or let it run you.

I hope you found these tips to be helpful. One of the keys to being a successful Gypsy nurse is the willingness to help your colleagues. Feel free to let me know if they do by leaving a comment here.

Want to share your own travel nursing tips with fellow Gypsies?  Leave a comment here or (for the budding travel nursing writers out there!) email content@thegypsynurse.com with your ideas and we may be able to turn it into an article and share it with the thousands of Gypsies in our network!

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10 Great Travel Safety Tips for Travel Nurses

Safety is of great concern to travel nurses. Here are 10 Great Travel Safety Tips.

Please note that this list is not all-inclusive. Most generally, if you exercise common sense and use your gut feelings, you will be fine. The biggest thing that I will stress is that if you feel unsafe, leave the unsafe location immediately. Always be aware of your travel safety.

Here are some tips that I try to follow to stay safe:

-Plan your stops in town vs rest areas.

Avoid places without vehicles or people around. We prefer truck stops as they are usually well-lit and active—Park close to the door and, if after dark, in a well-lit area.

-Have some sort of Emergency Assistance

AAA is a great resource. If the car breaks down or gets a flat, stay in the car until the tow truck (well-marked with AAA) arrives. AAA will generally ask if you feel safe. If you do not feel safe telling them and they will usually send a police officer to you.

-Give A Friend or Family Member your Itinerary and check-in.

I give a basic itinerary (route) and call to check in when leaving and arriving.

At your assignment location, drive around and orient yourself during the day.

Scout out grocery stores, the hospital, and other things you need to visit while it is daylight, so you don’t have to be wandering around in the dark looking for them.

Select your Hotel with Safety in mind.

I suggest using a hotel with rooms on the inside, i.e. no door straight out to the parking lot

Choose the 2nd Floor

Always ask for a hotel room on the upper floor (2nd or higher), as ground floor rooms are the most vandalized. This is a good tip for any temporary housing as well.

Never travel without at least two sources of money available.

In addition to whatever cash you have on hand. Periodically you might find that your bank thinks your debit or credit card is being used suspiciously (has happened to me) and freeze it on you without warning. Don’t store these all in one place.

Secure any belongings that stay in your vehicle overnight.

Don’t leave anything obviously open to be viewed from the windows.

-Always park in a well-lit area.

If I am able to park in a location that can be viewed from the front desk all the better.

Check the new neighborhood:

http://www.cityrating.com/crime-statistics/ or http://www.crimemapping.com

Do you have additional tips to add to these Top 10 Travel Safety Tips? Please post them in the comments.

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