Supplemental Healthcare


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    2.48 (52 vote)
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    • Knowledgeable
    • Friendly
    • Efficient
    • Honest
    • Pay rate
    • Paycheck accuracy
    • Housing
    • Benefits
    • Supportive
    • Assignment selection available
    • Individualized
    • Insurance plan
    • Reliable
    • Accessible
    • Reputable
    • Accommodating
    • Professional
    • Paycheck arrival time
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    52 thoughts on “Supplemental Healthcare

    1. This was my message to my recruiter this am: “Never in my life have I seen a request take this long. The times that I’ve done it, I put the request in and the money is deposited that day. I told u it was bad and that I’m struggling and stressing, I have PTSD and have been sleeping in my car 7 days in Montana! It’s cold and I’m trespassing on other ppls property, u don’t even call me to check to see if I’m ok! U said “ deposits made on days other than Monday and Friday are rare”(which is weird) but I put the request in on a Monday.I have to go home!This was by far the worst travel experience of my career, and showed me that SHC doesn’t give a damn about their nurses. it’s not worth it. I should not have to keep calling and harassing like this. Have payroll send the money SO I CAN LEAVE! Never again!

      This is by far the worst company I’ve ever worked with in my 4 years of traveling. My recruiter is useless and a liar. I wish I had known about the lawsuits prior to accepting my contact. They basically left me for dead in Montana, to sleep in my car. Nobody answers the phone at headquarters and the ones that do are extremely rude and unhelpful.

      • *side bar: I just spoke to my recruiter and I have agreed to stay if I can get the money today, and actually have money to get a hotel room and have a shower, but if this drags on past today, I can’t do it, I’ll have to ask a relative to spot me enough cash to get home.

        • Similar thing here. I have consistently had inaccurate or late checks. I kept complaining and finally they just ghosted me. Now I’m scrambling to find another assignment with another firm

    2. Same issues as most agencies. They do however pay 300 to 500 dollars a week less than other agencies however, they get me interviews but I don’t know if that is my resume or them and there network. I will be using a different agency next assignment and see what happens. Good luck out there!!

    3. I recently was offered a contract without interview through Supplemental Helathcare and I accepted the offer but never signed my contract. After looking into the company I did find that they had very bad reviews and the contract was very weird so I decided to back out. The recruiter emailed me back pretty much threatening me that I would have to pay a back out fee and I would also be reported as a drug screen refusal .

    4. New travel RN. Money looked good. Find out that everyone at my facility making $100-300 more per week. I stayed at my facility for the entire year because I liked it, but he always an excuse why they could not give me better pay. I told them beginning of December I was taking January off so I could return to same place. Suddenly it had to be 90 days off instead of 30, �tax law changed�. Check with two other agencies. Nope, no changes. Given one low paying offer after another. Kept telling them pay was way too low and I�m going to walk. They�d offer me one at the rate I wanted which fell through at the last minute each time (happened twice). Dangling the carrot to keep me on board to accept a low paying assignment when I got desperate enough. finally had one for the right pay and the day before I was supposed to start still did not have a contract to sign and they could not tell me which day the following week I was starting.

      Fast forward to new recruiter who said he can get me a job at the same facility for the pay I want. He then tells me Supplemental blocked me from working there for 90 days. Also told me they deliberately under pay new travelers. Ended up delaying me getting back to work by an extra 6 weeks, causing me to eat up every last penny of my savings just to eat and pay bills. I�m so grateful my recruiter apologized for not getting me an assignment… it cost me 9k in income! Never using again and I will tell everyone to steer clear.

    5. Completely lied about my quoted pay package after getting a contract, then attempted to use �tax� jargon to make up for the lost money. Only plus is they worked fast and got an assignment where I wanted.

    6. Absolutely the worse agency. Will always have an extremely low pay package and blaintly lie that is the best they can do when you have another agency offering dble what they were.
      Will try to do tax rate $10-12.
      and informed recruiter and manager that was an insult to any traveler. RUN FROM THIS COMPANY.

    7. I did one assignment with this agency and they were horrible! They are crooks. I’m still currently fighting with them to get paid for my last week of work. Most likely I’m going to have to contact labor and wages board to get paid for the time I worked!!!! As of this moment I have worked for free my last week on assignment! They keep blaiming the hospital but I know for a fact the hospital submitted my time card. They sent me to a hospital that treated travel nurses like garbage and they put me up in a POS hotel for my assignment. Id not only never recommended them but I’d like to warn others to not bother

    8. Lied to me about what was expected. The hospital did not hold up their side of the contract. A miserable situation. The agency was difficult to get ahold of and refused to listen to me…only the hospital. I ended my contract early because my health started to fail. The agency then started bullying me and threatened a lawsuit against me. Very nasty company. I wish that I had heeded the warnings.

    9. Supplemental is NOT there for the nurses, but the facility they are contracted with. The facility I worked with had so many nurses, they didn’t dare speak badly of the facility. If they did, they would lose the contract. It is easier to replace nurses and not represent them. The small department I worked in, went through EVERY nurse placed because of a hostile work environment. Supplemental did NOTHING to support the nurses in each circumstance. They will claim they cannot pay housing expenses if you are out of town, despite the fact a home base as well other housing in the travel destination needs to be paid as well. They claim they pay lower “wages” but it is made up in housing allowance. If you do not make the 40 hours a week, they will dock you for every hour that is missed, even if you have worked a great deal of overtime prior to the absence. I received absolutely zero help finding housing. I would NEVER recommend this agency to anyone.

    10. I was weary to sign with them at first because of the stories I had heard. I decided to give them a chance because they had jobs in an area I wanted to go to. At first they were great. Extremely friendly and were frequently checking in. Very easy to get a hold of. My recruiter didn’t seem to be very experienced; he would ramble on the phone instead of asking someone else for an answer. My biggest turn off was from an incident that occurred. At the beginning of my contract I requested time off that was approved. I requested four days off in a row, but worked the first three days that week. Since my recruiter seemed interested in learning about me, I told him I was going out of town for those requested days. My stipends were cut short, even though I worked full time that week. Supplemental stated that if they were audited they could not justify paying me for days that I requested not to work. I felt betrayed. I was promised that missing money back but as a bonus that would be taxed. The “bonus” did not show up in my check as my recruiter said it would. When asked about it, recruiter said it was forgotten about and would be applied to my last check. Again, it was not. Finally got that small check a week after my last check. I went from recommending several people to that company to telling everyone I know to steer clear. Unfortunate but true

    11. I wanted to try this company because they seem to have a lot of assignments. There pay was only average. I missed one shift in the 13 week assignment due to illness. I was penalized $20 per hour for a missed 12 hour shift. I was told I would get the $20 back when I made the shift up. I was able to make up 4 hours of it and did not receive the $80 for it. I was told I would get the money when I have made up the whole 12 hours. There is almost zero opportunity for overtime at this assignment. I have been traveling for 3 years and have never been so nickel and dimed in my life. Run from this company, they are all and only about putting the money in their pocket.

    12. HORRIBLE COMPANY. THEY LIE, they cheat and they are completely out for the money. 3 of us were sent to a hospital that was knee deep in CMS fraud and abuse that put our RN licenses in serious jeopardy. When we brought this to our attention, they did nothing and could have cared less. They penalized one of us by withholding $$ from her last paycheck, even though she repeatedly asked them to place her somewhere else, and/or to deal with the issues. DO NOT WORK FOR THIS COMPANY.

    13. I have been traveling for 4 yrs. I’ve never had a problem with any assignment. I’ve been decorated throughout my career and never have an issue getting an assignment. This last assignment was absolutely intolerable. I was verbally abused by doctors, they would get angry and throw charts and always short staffed which left me most days with no break or lunch. I voiced my concern with my recruiter which basically he told me that anyone can handle an assignment for 13 weeks. Something that I was appalled to hear. I could not tolerate any more abuse and left. I documented my concerns and no one followed up which got me labeled a dnu. I have not went to corporate yet but that will be my next step. Very disappointed that no one had my back. Do not use supplemental, they will not have your back and throw you under the bus

    14. Recruiter and manager were anything but honest. Pay for area I worked ~$650 less than competing agencies [according to 2 other traveler’s pay stubs]. Day one insurance was a waste of time, effort, and money. monthly insurance costs too much for what we received. Lessons well learned as I will never work for, nor recommend, Supplemental for any traveling nurse and hope others read about this agency before they sign a contract.

    15. They are the only company I have worked with, now for almost 2 years. Also, I have only worked in 1 hospital that whole time. So consider that with my review. I talked with about 8 companies before going with them. Overall it seems they offered the best benefits/pay ratio of the companies I talked with. There was no negotiation with the pay rate, not sure if others do. I can’t say anything about the housing, I haven’t used it. I don’t really communicate with them more than I have to, but when I do I generally get a quick response and one time I did have to use their on call person after hours and they got back to me pretty quick. My recruiter, Eric, is easy going and has been straight with me the whole time. I haven’t felt lied to, or pushed into anything. I have not had any issues with the paychecks being short or late. They have called me every time I forgot to send in my time sheet. They have an app to submit time sheets and it works easily. I also really like their website, they list most of their jobs with a decent amount of detail so you can look at jobs before contacting them. The benefits seem really great. I am a young single person who doesn’t use medication or go to the Dr though so I don’t really know how good the insurance is compared to others. My insurance is $6 per week. I took that over the free day 1 insurance because they offer a health savings account with it which is like a flex spending account but it never expires and after $1000 it gains interest. They match $25 per week. 401K is 100% match for the first 3% then 50% for the next 3%. $1,000 completion bonus or you can increase your hourly pay to get it over the length of the contract. Then they have a point system based on hours you get points and you can get stuff from a website with the points. The website has thousands of items, household, kitchen, jewelry, travel, apple products, electronics, tools, etc. Probably around $100 worth of points for a 13 week assignment. They do offer travel reimbursement too but I haven’t qualified for it. They also send random knick knacks, bonus points, gas cards as well. They pay for an online website where you can get CEUs for a whole number of things. They also reimburse your certificates and other job requirements ACLS, BLS, TNCC etc.

    16. This is my first travel assignment. I have heard horror stories! Of course I was guarded going in. My recruiter, Ellen, was straight forward, had an interview within 24hrs WITH an acceptance! My pay that was explained has never been a single penny short of what was told. Priyanka, compliance officer had me on the ball from day one. Nothing gets forgotten with her in office! They have set a high standard for any other company in my future endeavors. But then again, I have no reason to leave at this point. Thank you Supplemental Healthcare for making my first assignment as it should be!

    17. I have never been lied to or mistreated more than I have with Supplemental. They are the worst agency going. It is unfortunate because they seem to be nation wide and have no reason to do their nurses wrong. I di not recommend them AT ALL but if you do GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING and still expect them to lie!

    18. First assignment with this company was good for the most part other than I am STILL waiting for my $500 deposit back on my housing after receiving a clean move-out inspection by the apartment manager. I am going to have to hire an attorney to see than money again!! Just glad I waited until after I got my last paycheck and bonus BEFORE telling them I wasn’t taking another assignment with them. Bunch of CROOKS!

      I needed to come home and take a pet diem since I had some family issues I needed to resolve. I asked Dorene, my recruiter to submit me to some local hospitals and NOT to others for safety reasons. I start getting callbacks from hospitals I specifically asked her not to submit to and never heard from the ones I did. When I checked, she had never submitted me to the requested hospitals! She even told me HER company didn’t make money on per diem assignments….

      Against my better judgment, I suggested we broaden our search to States nearby. Amazing, I heard from five facilities in two days!! When I asked her to send me the pay packages, she had her assistant send me these ridiculously LOW numbers. I called her back and told her they were unacceptable. She then told me she could make the numbers work since she was a MANAGER! I was like okay, send me the contract. She waited nearly TWO weeks to send me the contract, making up some BS excuse about the hospital not forwarding her the info. I spoke to my contact at the hospital and she said they had done what they were supposed to. Eventually, Dorene sent me the contract with a rate of $12/hr. I am like NO, this is absolutely NOT what we discussed. That would be an IRS audit for sure.

      She then proceeded to tell me about some PASS/FAIL testing I would have to do that she knew NOTHING about…even though she already had another nurse at the site. I told her before I signed the contract, did the drug screen or wasted the time and money to go get the fingerprinting and license, I needed to know for sure about the testing and whether I would have multiple attempts in case I didn’t pass. I waited three days and heard nothing. I sent her an email letting her know I would not be taking the contract and why. Shortly thereafter, I got a nasty, belittling email to which I wrote back and asked her not to contact me again. She then started bullying me via text and threatened to blackball me in the industry. At that point, I then received a threatening message from her boss. I called her back and explained the situation as well as the fact that I had not received my housing deposit back. She said she would follow up, but I have no doubt I will see a penny of it until I get an attorney involved.

      Very CROOKED company with a complete lack of integrity!! RUN AWAY!!

    19. If you like being bullied by a young hot-headed, lazy recruiter, then by all means use this company. I wish I had read the reviews and steered clear of this company!

    20. I don’t even know where to start. I am finishing a 13 week assignment with Supplemental Healthcare which company I chose on recommendation from another traveler. Dorene Major is my recruiter. I cannot even express the unprofessional behaviour on her and her manager’s part. Angry emails, demeaning calls and VMs, repeatedly held paychecks for “the hospital not submitting the time card” even though the written form was submitted on time by me, outright lies about my pay and then anger that “you money grubbing nurses only care about pay” when they shorted me $600+ so far! How can I not care about that?
      I am stressed every time that I have to answer an email and I refuse to speak on the phone anymore since I am only subjected to anger and meanness and petty jabs. The head supervisor is equally rude (she thought I was on hold and proceeded to talk trash about me to another recruiter when she had said she would check on something, never checked, and then came back on the line saying she had checked).
      I will never work with this company again! I am so glad my last shift with them is almost over and I have only 2-3 weeks left to hassle over paychecks!! I have tried to remain professional despite the thinly veiled slights that, I suppose, they think I am too dumb to recognize being I am only a lowly nurse and not a high powered business woman. (Funny thing is that I am an entrepreneur and very familiar with contracts, negotiations, and court proceedings as a result of my other work. I also know what professionalism is)
      I honestly feel that this company would be okay to work with if you are not one to care about the terms of contract being fulfilled, if you would rather have your recruiter say sweet things she doesn’t do, and you never check your paystubs and barely notice if one paycheck goes missing.

    21. This agency is a business, like any other. They back the hospital 100% and will NOT vouch for you in any way, except to, perhaps, have them try and find you another assignment. You really have very little idea of any worksite until you actually start working there….and they are all drastically different. If it’s a good assignment, hold on to it, because most are not. If you can’t work the assignment, for any reason, prepare to not be paid for those hours worked. If the hospital isn’t happy with you in the slightest, or if you unitentionally attempt to kindlt negotiate pay, schedule, or assignment changes, the hospital will tar and feather you with no recourse and banish you from the facility. Then, the agency will call and fire you. I kid you not. Hospitals are their clients, not you. Agencies make their money by paying you as little as possible from what they charge the hospital. Their insurance and housing “programs” are worthless. Travel nursing is, unfortunately, the last refuge for us older, experienced nurses trying to maintain an existance in this ever more difficult job field….where youth and degrees trump experience and compassion.

    22. I was put off by their resistance to cover compliance requirements (after all, I wasn’t taking medical insurance) They also did not cover travel back home. I didn’t like that the pay was low (I don’t mind saying, $1400 take home included reimbursement for housing- Tele nurse). My assignment was on the West coast where EVERYTHING is super expensive! They would be my last resort…

    23. I have found this agency to be very professional and supportive. I LOVED my previous health insurance plan, albeit expensive; now it is no longer available and there is only a high deductible plan. I think, overall, my pay and benefits are quite good.

    24. Poor communication within organization and with the nurse. There was a consistent thread of lack of conscientiousness, communication and teamwork which cost me contracts (after I travel 3000 miles and showed up and honored my end), insurance, disability insurance, peace of mind, employment. I gave them 3 contracts and with each contract they dropped major balls with not having insurance, disability, rent paid, not communicating needs for assignments despite multiple proactive requests from me weeks before an assignment etc. When you travel you want a professional, quality, accurate, communicating team that takes care of everything and all you have to do is show up and give the hospital your all. I worked hard for them and ended up getting a lot of stress and spending my own personal time lessening the damage their lack of communication and conscientiousness had on my life and free time. It’s not about friendly so much as it is about, did they have my back?….no, I had theirs and I didn’t get paid for it. In fact, I paid them with contract hours and personal hours to come out a loser in too many areas.

    25. As a new traveler, the recruiters will take advantage of you every chance available. Their “day one” insurance is a train-wreck policy which really only covers catastrophic events. Their first-of-the-month coverage is the same across the board under the ACA. For new travelers who use the tax-advantage, be aware of the “I can only…” lines. Housing was on my own so no problems there. If you want to see what Uncle Sam pays his workers per diem, that SHC will not, go to the web-site and look up per diem rates for each state – std is $129/day, more in some areas – you will know how much the Fed pays their workers so DO NOT let your recruiter tell you they cannot pay more “because it will trigger an IRS audit.” If the Fed can pay their workers and not trigger an audit, so can the agencies. Mileage, same website, new std for 2015 = $0.575/statute mile [by ground] have to convert for air miles, so travel reimbursement should be included with each assignment. Again, don’t let them “I can only…” you. Know what the fed allows and does not allow as a traveler. For this company and the recruiters from whom I have been lied to regarding contracts and “allowances”, I would not choose this agency for any more assignments.

    26. They are virtually NO HELP with housing. Its just “here’s your stipend, have a good trip”. Maybe this is common now, but back in ’02 my company arranged and paid for my apartment and my pay rate was $27.50/hr. Now I make $12/hr and they only tell me what i will make per week, take-home, at an assignment. I have a contract now for a new assignment, but haven’t signed it yet. Looking for something else

    27. Unprofessional. Low pay. Do not keep verbal or written promises. Had to threaten to sue to get paid. Would never work with again.

    28. I gave them 3’s in certain areas based on their reviews, They are awful! The guy said that his team was known as the “A” team because they get stuff done:) Well their communication sucks! I don’t mind if they couldn’t find me an assignment however I DO mind broken promises and just down right unprofessionallism. Pretty sad… I DID get an assignment fast with Shanna with RNnetwork. Now THAT company knows how to get stuff done!!!

    29. RUN! Every little thing they asked you to take care of was URGENT. Anything you needed “We’ll get back to you.” When you finish your assignment you’re supposed to get a $1000 bonus. Exactly two days before the end of my contract my recruiter said I wasn’t eligible and I needed 40 hours to make the bonus. No guaranteed hours and no real help with housing–a stipend. I did inquire several times about the eligibility of my bonus. I worked a lot of call and then would be sent home due to low census. I had asked my recruiter if call counted and she said she would check. At least a month went by and I think it was closer to two months from the time I inquired and the two day window at the end of my contract.

    30. This company is not very clear about certain pay rates. For example holidays and overtime. I found out the hard way that my “overtime/holiday pay” was less then what I made as a new grad in a non travel position. Very frustrating…

    31. Left me sick and fired (by the client) in CA. I had asked them since day 2 to change my assignment as the one I was at was only concerned with paperwork. They had promised me a territory where I obtained housing, and then had me work as far away from there as possible. Supplemental would not listen to my concerns, sided with the client. When I became ill, they had to let me go, and said client was firing me. I was 1000 miles from home, very ill, in a town where I knew no one. Luckily my landlady let me stay a few days(my housing) but I lost 450.00 on housing as well. Never ever would use this agency again.

    32. Stay away. The only thing they care about is their bonuses and their pay. No support for nursing staff. They use you. Plain and simple. RUN.

    33. Many promises of “next assignment ready when finish current assignment”, then turns into 2-3 month wait for next assignment.

    34. They are not supportive. What ever the hospital says about you is taken as gospel and you are left out in the cold.

      They are less than honest about available assignments and sugarcoat problem facilities.THey steer you to where they want you to go not where you’d like to be placed.

      I worked too hard for my license to work for this company. I never will again. One assignment was one too many.

    35. If you work for this company you will never be able to figure out your paycheck. You will see deductions that aren’t clear and a less than expected take home pay. I had a signed contract for an assignment that was more than a thousand miles from my home. I booked through a local division of this company. When I got there my recruiter met me in person and wanted to go back on my contract and take away $900 per month stating she overquoted me. I told her we had a written contract and would not go back on it. She never spoke to me for the rest of the contract even though I tried contacting her several times. Stay away… trouble.

    36. Insurance very expensive. Not as honest as preferred. Will try to push you towards certain assignments by stating nothing else available. Recruiters very friendly and can be reached most of the time. Paychecks need to be watched, especially holiday pay, but paychecks have always arrived on time. 401 is great. Tendency to take out too little tax, you get slammed on April 15th. Virtually on your own finding housing, but housing pay is good.

    37. pay rate was slightly low and they kept trying to lower it during contracts for various reasons/excuses. Received several checks that were taxed over 40% with high deductions. Their reply was that I would do well at the end of the year. Would not travel again with them.

    38. Offices indepedantly run, having a local contact is good for me, but there may be the need to change recruiters with assignments which some people do not care for. New England office has been very helpful and delivered what was promised.

    39. I had a very good experience with them, however, truth be told their recruiters are not nurses, this is a business to them, they are not available 24 hrs and if you run into a problem with the hospital they will not advocate for you and neither do they want to hear about it.Since the recruiters are not nurses they have very little baseline to compare your experience too. In short if you can fly on your own and are self directed you will get along fine with them. I was always quite happy with my pay, bonus, housing etc and received all monies in a timely fashion.They also offer 401k plans as well as insurance. However the insurance is little to be desired.Bon voyage!

    40. am on my 4th assignment with this company. Have had no problems with them. The facility we are in, seems to like them too, as they are quit reliable and competent.

    41. I traveled with this company for awhile and was very happy with them until recently when I started to feel like I had reason to question their professionalism based on a particular incident with a guarenteed contract that they were not going to honor but finally did after considerable discussion about the legalities of the situation. I trust and respect others as long as they give the same consideration to me. I felt that I lost that and decided to leave them for now. I still think that they had some good people working for them that are no longer with them because of these issues. I would consider working for them again when and if I felt that I could trust them.

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