5 Simple Ways to get on Good Footing as a Travel Nurse

When you first arrive to an assignment nobody knows you. You have to make a good first impression. This impression can impact the experience you will have on the rest of your time there. The following are a few simple tips to get on the right footing.

1. Arrive on Time

Make sure to leave your place in plenty of time to find the hospital and your department without rushing. You don’t want to start your first day frazzled and apologizing for being late. Dressing nice and professional can’t hurt either.

2. Know your supervisors name

One of the first things you want to do is find out the name of the head nurse and ask to meet with him or her. Make some small talk and share a little about yourself. This could make your time there a little better.

3. Arrive Prepared

Bring your driver’s license and nursing license in case they want to make copies of them. Also, bring your pen and whatever nursing supplies you like to use. Be ready to work and get your hands dirty the first day.

4. Be humble

Challenge yourself for at least a week or two from saying phrases like, “that’s how we did it where I came from.” You will be initially received better if you keep your mind open and appear more receptive in the beginning.

5. Offer your help

If you see the opportunity, offer to help another nurse with something even if it is as simple as moving a patients bed. This will show that you are there to help and make things better. You are on their side.

While these suggestions may not guarantee a wonderful experience, they will more often than not help you. First impressions can go along way.