Travel Nursing Hospital Ranking Results

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Travel Nursing Hospital Review of: Mercy Medical
(all time)
(within 1 year)
1. Friendliness and acceptance of travelers by staff4.4
2. How open are they to allowing you to expand your skills while traveling?2.6
3. Hospital Technology2
4. Location (A nice area to live)2.4
5. Cafeteria food2.6
6. Parking3.8
7. Physical layout of hospital effecient3
8. Hospital appeal (looks)2.8
9. Hospital orientation geared toward travelers?2.6
10. Simplicity being initiated into the system (Do you have to do lots of unneccessary paperwork, drug testing, criminal background checks, etc. in addition to what the agency requires before you can start working?)2.4
11. Reputation of the hospital3
12. How nice are the doctors to staff3.8
13. Friendliness of staffing office3.6
14. Happy with the work scheduling procedure?2.2
15. How efficient is their system so you can get your job done?2.8
16. Adequacy of their nurse to patient ratio4.4
17. How well staffed are they4
18. How happy were you with your workload?3.4
19. Staff morale (overall)3.4
20. To what extent would you recommend this hospital to other travelers?2.4
Total Score (number or rankings)61.6(5)(0)
  • I worked in the Medical department(s) in the hospital. As a couple of people below have stated, I don't understand the need for travelers here. I can assure you there was honestly no need. I have been called off a total of 6 times during my contract because of the facility needs, and let me tell you, if you are a traveler, you will be first to be called off. This is a Parallon/HCA facility, so big mistake right there. This hospital doesn't have the best reputation and we've shipped more people out to Eugene then kept them on the floor. Whoever said that this hospital uses Epic, you obviously have the wrong facility. This place uses the ancient 90's version of Meditech in DOS form, yet they claim it's brand new. I have worked with much better versions that are newer. This facility is so behind in a lot of hospital policies and such, for example patient rounding and care. I started that back in 2007 when I first began nursing. Staff are overall okay and they have been friendly, however if you are looking to ensure you get your hours, this is not the facility for you. I have thought about cutting this contract many times and this facility will not work with you on anything. Never again will I return here. Biggest mistake I've ever made. 09/12/2016
  • Housing was approximately 20 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Airbnb. Housing was located in city of Myrtle Creek. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 3. I don't take housing from companies especially if you get screwed over. Use Airbnb or craigslist or something else. Wouldn't live in Roseburg either, small, run down town. Like the person below put, live in a bigger city if you need more to do.
  • I worked in the Medical department(s) in the hospital. Nice staff...however, called off quite a bit...coming from out of state to work, this doesn't help matters at all. Smaller facility, but of decent size. Will not come back here; has refused to honor my vacation request set out early in contract before signing. If you are a traveler, you will ALWAYS be called off first and this facility will not guarantee you your hours. This is the first place I have worked at that has done this. More low census than anything...don't understand the need for travelers here. Will not be returning. 08/21/2016
  • Housing was approximately 2 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Airbnb. Housing was located in city of Roseburg. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4. Airbnb people...I do not take housing from companies. Also if you come from a bigger area, and decide to work at this facility, go live in Eugene or Medford and drive...much more amenities in those cities. Roseburg has roughly 22,000..., while there is some stuff, not a whole lot to do.
  • I worked in the Medical department(s) in the hospital. Staff were very friendly to travelers. The majority of the doctors were friendly and responsive. Management was always very helpful. 08/19/2016
  • Housing was approximately 0.5 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Oak Ridge Apts. Housing was located in city of Roseburg. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4. Very expensive--top of my budget for housing. But it was a nice complex, maintenance requests were dealt with quickly, quiet neighborhood.
  • I worked in the Telemetry Stepdown department(s) in the hospital. The Mercy system on the whole has been a wonderful place to work. The attitude is everyone deserves respect, from housekeeping to surgeon. Mercy uses Epic which is by far my favorite system. 11/11/2015
  • Housing was approximately 5 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was 5th Wheel. Housing was located in city of Barling. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4. I stayed in our 5th wheel so I don't know the housing situation. I also stayed 2 times at Candlewood suites which is literally 4 blocks from the hospital and if they know you are a traveler they usually will give you a discounted rate if you call them directly. Because we were in a 5th wheel, we found our own places to park. Fort Smith on the whole is a pretty neat smaller town.
  • I worked in the surgery department(s) in the hospital. This is a very small community hospital in a very small town running two OR rooms max. I'm not sure how they thought there was a need on their unit but I can assure you there was not. On an average surgical teams per room consisted of two nurses, one scrub, one RNFA and an Anesthesiologist. This is unheard of in any hospital I've been to . The computer system was out dated and time consuming. I felt smothered and boxed in and was not allowed to make my own decisions on my patients. If that's not bad enough after I got to the assignment I found out that this was a Parallon facility and a union hospital union. This means that PBDS testing is required along with a 60 question timed math test that failing means lose assignment and go home on your own dime. All this and 15 papers that need signing before you can start. Union means regular staff works before you, needless to say I was called off 13 times during a six week contract. My recruiter was able to get me paid for those days but it didn't come without a fight. 01/07/2014
  • Housing was approximately 2 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was HOKINSONS BB. Housing was located in city of Roseburg. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4. all utilities included plus internet and cable
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