Travel Nursing Agency Ranking Results

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Travel Nursing Company Review of: Nightingale
(all time)
(within 1 year)
1. Knowledgeable2.5
2. Friendly2.8
3. Efficient2.5
4. Honest2.2
5. Pay rate2.4
6. Paycheck accuracy2.7
7. Housing2.4
8. Benefits2.1
9. Supportive2.2
10. Assignment selection available2.6
11. Individualized2.4
12. Insurance plan2
13. Reliable2.2
14. Accessible2.6
15. Reputable2.3
16. Accommodating2.4
17. Professional2.4
18. Paycheck arrival time3
19. Chances you will recommend this agency2.1
20. Chances you will work with them again2.1
Total Score (number or rankings)47.9(70)(0)
  • I've just had one of the worst travel experiences of my career with the company and the hospital. I have been traveling for 3 years, been a nurse for 10 years and after my company got bought out by a bigger company I started looking for another company to travel with... I had took an assignment at Lauren's County Hospital in Clinton, SC a GHS facility with Nightingale Nurses. First off, steer clear of Nightingale Nurses!!! They do not have your back as a nurse and will find any way possible to not pay you what you're owed. I signed a contract for a 13 week assignment and had nothing but issues from the start with this company. That they couldn't even get the credentialing process right should've been my signal to run the other way. They sent me to 3 different places to have my ppd, drug test and blood draws done. Three separate places for something that should've and could've been done in the same place. Then during orientation we were told to put 20 hours down on our timesheets for the modules(which were more than 20 hours). So, the first week I didnt get paid at all, which was no big deal because my recruiter told me that they held you back a week. But then, the second week when I got paid I complained because it was short and with the 20 hours the pay should've been for 52.5 hours. I had a signed timesheet for these hours. When I said something about it to my recruiter I was told that we got paid for our first week, the last week. So, I would get paid for that week at the end of my assignment. I really didn't like that answer but I thought, ok, so, I guess that'll give me more money at the end of the assignment so, that'll be ok. Then it just all went downhill from there. The hospital called me off just about every other week for "volume management" so they call it. They'd put you on call and then you were expected to standby the entire shift and wait to be called back in if they needed you. This was a regular practice at this hospital. Sometimes you'd get called off for 2 weeks in a row because it landed in two different pay periods for them, so they could legally by their contract, do that. Then with the company... Just about every week something was wrong with my pay and I was on the phone with payroll and my recruiter every week. Just as an example... They put me on call at 5pm and called me back in at 730pm one night. I live over an hour away. I put down call back pay for the rest of that night after I got there at 9pm. The company didn't pay me for the call back pay on my check the next week because after I called payroll and complained they said because the timesheet wasn't signed they had to call and verify it with the facility. Now, mind you, they did not tell me that I wasn't getting paid for it... They just didn't pay me for it. This particular situation with the call back pay, happened twice. The facility or the mother company told us in orientation that they don't sign the timesheets because we clock in and out. My company knew this and if I would not have complained, I would have just not gotten paid for it. I was put in an unsafe situation while on this assignment and I complained to my recruiter and supposedly it was documented but no one from the travel company or the hospital reached out to me about this either. This is a nightmare already as you can read. So, in the time span of 3 weeks, my car broke down on the way to work, my sister got sick and I ended up having to go home(2 hours away from the assignment) and I got a migraine and missed work. Even after all the call offs and all the stuff I'd been through with this assignment... The hospital cancelled my contract due to "excessive absences" with only 3 weeks left on the contract. They cancelled my contract when they had called me off more than I had even called in and for legitimate reasons. So... Now even more fun starts... The first paycheck that I was supposed to get the last week... Not true. It was the paycheck that I had complained about being wrong at the beginning. They didn't pay me for the modules and of course, now, the hospital is saying they don't do that. Even though, I have a signed timesheet by the manager that agreed to that the first week... No, I'm not going to get paid for that. Then, the last week I worked 24.5 hours due to missing that day... Surprise! And I hope this helps some of the rest of you to watch what you sign... I got paid minimum wage for that last week and no per diem because I didn't work all the hours I was supposed to that week... And yes, that is in the contract... But not about the per diem but it is about the minimum wage. So, I ended up with $137 for my last check. During ALL of this no one and I repeat... NO ONE at Nightingale Nurses besides my recruiter, EVER reached out to me. Not when I was complaining about the facility calling me off all the time. Not when I was complaining about being put in unsafe situations. Not when I missed work. Not when my contract got cancelled. Not when I was fighting to get paid for the modules. Not at all! I think, that is a pretty sorry way to treat your nurses... Pretty dang sorry. This has never happened before and I pray it will never happen again but, I hope that by me sharing this it will help some of you. 12/13/2017
  • The pay is very low and when you ask to explain the contract Eric, the recruiter was rude. The pay is very low and when I mentioned another contract was ating higher her was very rude. I went with another company. 04/07/2017
  • Dishonest, unethical thieves. Stole my last two paychecks because of their own ineptitude. Disgusting people with no morals. 09/24/2016
  • Nightingale nurses has been an absolutely wonderful travel nursing agency to work with! My recruiter, Molly, has gone above and beyond to help me, and answer all of my questions. I would highly recommend using nightingale nurses!! 07/24/2016
  • Ms. Anderson has gone above and beyond her responsibilities as a recruiter. Ms. Anderson has been available to me at any time. If I cannot speak and can only text at the moment she has even given me her personal cell phone number so I can get a hold of her when I need her. Actually , thinking back I might be the one who at times of frustration with a manager been short and abrupt and might have even raised my voice at Ms. Anderson. Even in my times of stress, when I was being a brat, Ms. Anderson responded with care and empathy towards me instead of going down to my level. In her charming Southern accent she would say" Darling, I know it's difficult what you must be going through, and I understand your frustration. I will call you later and give you time to process your thoughts and calm down . It doesn't help anyone of us by getting all worked up. Try to have a good rest of your day and I will be in touch ." I am currently working with three agencies looking for employment and I can honestly say that the care and attention that I received from Rachel Anderson is exemplary . Respectfully Submitted , D Z ,R.N. Satisfied nurse with Nightingale Nurses since 2015. 06/06/2016
  • ;-) 05/17/2016
  • Nightingale is the BEST! Great experience with them and it continues with my most recent contract, Lynn is an excellent Recruiter! 05/17/2016
  • My experience has been okay. Satisfactory at best. I have done 2 assignments and extended both times. I REALLY don't like the fact that you must work 3 weeks at the beginning of each assignment before getting your first paycheck. That is the only reason I am changing agencies. 04/08/2016
  • As with most agencies your recruiter is the difference between a good experience and a horrible one. I had a very nice and supportive recuiter, however the company itself, the contract manager was nothing more than a mafia thug, I didn't have any problems with where I worked or with my assignment, but dealing with "Randy" in Florida office was a horrible experience, I would never work for that outfit again. 01/15/2016
  • The most recent ranking of Nightingale should have stopped after suggesting Melissa as your recruiter.The next story has been attached is not part of my ranking. I do not know any Tobi. 12/11/2015
  • My recruiter's name was Melissa. She was very good to me and worked very hard to put me in the higher paid assignments that I wanted.She had my back whenever petty situations would arise on some of the assignments. She was like a sister to me.I was employed with this company for a very long time, but am no longer with them. If you do decide to go onboard with Nightingale, suggest Melissa as your recruiter. She will work hard for you. 12/11/2015
  • I simply love my recruiter Tobie Watts She has been there for me through out the whole assignment the only thing I did not like is their insurance is not good and they have no 401K otherwise I would still be with them 12/01/2015
  • if you leave assignment , get terminated for any reason whatsoever you will be paid minimum wage for hours worked and 1st paycheck is three weeks after you work. this is so they have three weeks of your pay in their bank at all times (This covers their $3000 ) charge to you if you have to cancel for any reason. Family death , emergency anything. Run don't walk from this agency. Also they had the nerve to tell me don't sue because they " never lose". indicating they are always sued. 06/25/2015
  • Be careful of "requesting" time off if needed. make sure its in contract. they will do whatever to get you in when problem arises try to blame you for their lack of professionalism. Pay sucks. never took their housing so cant comment. but should always check to see where they are putting you. Use google earth and crime stats. 06/22/2015
  • No support from agency. Pay checks late or wrong 05/09/2015
  • Do not sign their contract. If you are terminated for "any" reason they will tell you that that you owe them money and will only pay you minimum wage for any work you did and then threaten you that they have good attorney's who never lose and they will sue you for damages. This company plays HARDBALL and throws you under the bus. If you want to take the risk that you will be WORKING FOR FREE go ahead and work with them. Go with a better agency. 04/20/2015
  • recuiter telling lies to another nurse about me she is not allowed to do this she is violating privacy and should be terminated 04/13/2015
  • THE ABSOLUTE WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope they read these ratings. The communicate with you ONLY when they're trying to "sell" you to hospitals and make money off of you. Otherwise, you're on your own. They lie and never return phone calls. If they promise to reimburse you for something you pay for, please don't believe them!They're CROOKS! Do not trust recruiter JAY at all.He's rude and cares nothing about the nurses that work for them. Like the rest of the bullies at Nightingale, he only cares about selling nurses to the highest bidder! 03/11/2015
  • Robert worked with me so professional listened to me and then found me exactly what I wanted I was unsure how the pay rate works he gave me options and I feel I got a good deal I hope they can find me another amazing contract 01/08/2015
  • Robert worked with me so professional listened to me and then found me exactly what I wanted I was unsure how the pay rate works he gave me options and I feel I got a good deal I hope they can find me another amazing contract 01/08/2015
  • Nightingale nurses was the best travel co. I was paid on time and the housing was AAA 09/16/2014
  • treat you like a number all they want is a body in the hospital didnt care about unsafe pt ratios way above AWHONN standards 04/01/2014
  • •They still owe me money from my last assignment from over 2 months ago. The canceled all Health Insurance with out informing me the they were dropping coverage. They changed payroll companies with out informing there staff. 01/21/2014
  • Could never get anyone on the phone when help was needed while on assignment. Pay was always wrong. Poor communication or no communication even via email. Recruiter was often out of the office. Had to fax in time sheet every week to payroll and then had to fight to get my on-call pay. I had an automobile accident one month away from the end of a 6 month contact where 70% of my face and hands were burnt. No way that I was returning to work. I even sent pictures and was told no work means, no pay. The company first tried to bully me into returning to work the next day even with a doctor's note and pictures of my distorted face and hands.The nurse manager of the company, who I could never reach when I had a problem on site, stated the burns looked like a rash and I needed to get back to work! When that didn't fly the company called me the next day stating that the hospital had fired me over some made up excuse even though I had never been disciplined. The entire time I worked there, the company left me high and dry not to mention taking my last two pay checks stating I fell short of my contract hours. Run don't walk if they contact you 12/26/2013
  • Decent pay and plenty of opportunities. I would recommend taking the housing stipend because you will likely be put in a cheap hotel in the hood otherwise. 12/16/2013
  • This agency will not support you when there is a problem on assignment. They will promise you the stars and moon and deliver nothing. The support was horrible, the assignment was horrible, the pay was less than when I was a new graduate nurse and they say"you will see it on the back side". If you value your license, look elsewhere. 11/20/2013
  • Recruiter was wonderful while "courting" me to take an assignment with them. They did get me an assignment in the general area I wanted. Housing was deplorable! I, too, was expected to spend 13 weeks in a hotel room with a mini fridge/microwave. There were what seemed to be hookers and crack heads just hanging out everywhere. I went to checkout the room and it was filthy! There were BED BUGS in the sheets. I walked away and had to drive an additional hour, after already driving for 13 hours, to get to a reputable, safe (no crack heads) place to stay for the night (additional 70 miles, too far to take call). I called my recruiter and left a vooice message and email so he would know what was going on first thing in the morning. He called saying there wasn't anything they could do about it and I "better get back there right now". He became beligerent and threatening. The "account manager" was the same. They are bullies! I will flip burgers before I work with them again (no offense to burger flippers intented). Bullies! 08/27/2013
  • i left a agency i had been traveling with to go to Miami. since my company did not have assignments there i went with nightingale. what a disaster. I arrived and my housing wasnt available, hospital did not honor the shift we agreed on,recruiter would not return my calls,my recruiter was great in the interviews but when i wanted to break the contract because they wouldnt honor my shift preference he became nasty and verbally abusive. I stuck out the assignment but used all my savings renting a place to live. the hospital cancelled me on preferred shifts and would not reimburse me. according to my recruiter "in fla they can cancel you and not pay". i worked 11-11, 3-3, 1-1 shifts in a dangerous area of miami - my agreed shift was 7a-7p. i had to obtain a attorney to get my last paycheck. 08/10/2013
  • STAY AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very very dishonest and manipulative. They promise you a lot but refuse to put it in writing, then forget they promised. Recruiter Chris and Rachel are NOT to be trusted. Save yourself headache. Very unprofessional and don't know what they're doing! Turnover is VERY high! 08/06/2013
  • Horrible liars randi is arrogant and nasty. They bullied me and when I wouldn't renew the reused to offer me another contract 06/27/2013
  • Liars. Stay away. Total crooks. 06/19/2013
  • Avoid this company. They are rude, paychecks delayed and poor housing. 06/13/2013
  • Horrible company! Had to fight for my paycheck every week. They would not send my W2. Had to threaten them with IRS! Unsupportive if you have a problem . I will never work for them!!!!!! 06/06/2013
  • No thanks! Lie, lie, lie. Horrible experiences and will not work for this company again. 03/26/2013
  • OMG !!!!!! Terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No communication at all. Took almost one month to receive my last pay!!!!!!!!. OMG is all I have to say and to ALL TRAVELERS PLEASE stay away from NIGHTINGALE NURSING !!!!! 03/09/2013
  • Did not support issues over the holidays, nor did they so much as listen to any complaints, in assignment conflict, ie holiday scheduling, agreeing to block schedules then readjusting to suite staffing needs. 01/19/2013
  • Recruiters are wonderful. Very helpful. Pay leaves alot to be desired. 01/03/2013
  • I worked for this company for 3 assignments. The ONLY saving grace for them way my recruiter Lindsay D. SHE IS THE BEST!!! As another person stated maybe it would be better if they got another clinical supervisor because Carol T. is cold, unsupportive and out of touch! I will never work for them again and im actually sad to leave Lindsay. 11/28/2012
  • I will never work for them again! 10/25/2012
  • This is the worst company I have ever worked with. They stole my hard-earned money. They refused to send me my last check of 1500 and refused to return my calls. Very dishonest company. DO NOT USE THESE PEOPLE!!! Beware nurses 08/08/2012
  • I worked my entire 13-week contract. I was cancelled by the hospital a few times due to low census which caused my hours to be approx. 10 hours short of my 13-week contract so: they deducted ALL of my travel expenses from my last check, they refused to reimburse my license. I was lied to that all would be well with my next assignment. I was told that my check was coming. Then, at the end, they sent me a letter stating that I owed them money. They stated I owed them $1500.00 for NOT working the entire 13-week assignment. I then counter-sued and asked for my travel reimbursement, and my license reimbursement. After contacting my lawyer, I received a check in the mail from this agency for part of what I asked for. VERY DISHONEST! 08/01/2012
  • birthday gift 06/02/2009
  • BEWARE - all over you early on then dissapear when the problems start. Checks wrong often, recruiter switched and the new one absent a lot. Lie about mostly everything. Bad benefits and they could care less about you 03/05/2009
  • Nightingale sent me on assignment to Tucson AZ. When the hospital wasn't ready, they left me high and dry. I lost a $19,000 contract, plus my expenses waiting in Arizona plus my attorney's fees. It turns out that our written contracts are only as good as our financial ability to retain and pay an attorney to file suit. I couldn't do it - can you? 06/23/2008
  • I am currently employed with this agency. I love the facility that I work at but am uncomfortable with the agency's claims that there is no way for me to see a paycheck slip. I feel that I am being shorted on my pay. I was told I would have housing within a 15 minute drive to the facility I am working at but in fact it is almost a 40 minute drive. They still expect me to take call and be able to respond within 30 minutes because that is what is mandated in my contract. My recruitor was very nice and patient but Amy the account contact was very rude. If you do go with this agency, be sure to ask for Joseph. he is a very nice guy. 06/21/2008
  • I have been a nurse for 16 yrs and a travel nurse for 1 year. My recruiter was very friendly, but out of touch through my entire contract, only to pop into my life again when the contract was near the end. The pay has been great, but the benifits are not, and they are too expensive. They will accomodate you if you push to get things included in the contract, like gas reimbursement. I have been satisfied, but am taking an assignment next with another company. Maybe will come back to them. 10/20/2007
  • Although my contract stated "guaranteed 40 hours" Nightingale refused to honor this. One week of my contract, the hospital shorted me 10 hours. 10/17/2007
  • They knew at least 3 weeks in advance that I was going to Northern Maine in February and told me that housing would be in place. After traveling 1700 miles to get to my assignment, I didn't have anywhere to live. It was winter. I got the local newspaper and then emailed them information on rental property and THEN they were able to secure housing. They originally thought that living in a motel room with a microwave and a miniature refriegerator for 13 weeks would be an adequate solution. This was my first travel nurse experience and it was very disheartening. I was in close contact with my recruiter the entire time I was on the road, and she kept assuring my that housing would be arranged. I think she clearly knew that that was not the case. 08/19/2007
  • My first recruiter was incredible! My first assignment was ok;the pay rate was low even though it was on the west coast. They changed my recruiter in the middle of my 1st assignment. On my 2nd assignment,I was in a small town and housing was limited and had to live 30 miles from hospital. They are very nice, but the perks just are not there! I wouldn't work for them again. 07/31/2007
  • This was my first travel assignment, while the agency is friendly enough, my paycheck has never been correct, and the housing that was provided didn't have running water for a while. I was very far out of town, and the wildlife did keep me company....racoons in the walls, an extended family of mice at night lived in the bedroom. So I never felt like I was "alone" LOL....I can laugh NOW about, no....I won't be traveling with them again. Now the first question I ask the agency I am interviewing with is if they provide running water in the living arrangements...or if that is "extra". 06/28/2007
  • I wasn't happy with the way this company treated me. I was switched around to about 4 recruiters and my final one didn't return phone calls. Their hosuing put me in a gritty, tiny apartment in a bad section of Phoenix and refused to move me despite my concerns of safety and the long drive to work, refused to move me. I was also mislead about their health insurance. The first recruiter told me I would have a full coverage PP). I was shocked when I saw what they offered(very minimal coverage) and ended up cobra-ing my insurance from my last job. I don't feel they were concerned about making sure their clients were happy, just looking for numbers to fill their positions. 05/27/2007
  • I have been working with this company for two assignments now. My recruiter is very pleasant and professional. She works very hard to please her nurses. They have a new insurance plan that is very appealing and affordable. I have tried other travel companies and I ran back to Nightingale Nurses. Some companies may pay more however when you are looking for truth, reliability, and a recruiter that is willing to really give it their all for you,I highly recommend Leeza Berkin at Nightingale Nurses. LBERKIN@NIGHTINGALENURSES.NET 05/21/2007
  • This was my first travel assignment. Staff were friendly, however the first recruiter I was assigned did not submit me for one position. Then, I received a call from another recruiter telling me that the prior was no longer with the agency. The second agent got me a position in a great community hospital. My pay is far lower than many other travelers with equal experience are receiving, yet this agency states is has the highest pay among agencies. Well, I've seen that many say that. Thay can't all be true. Insurance coverage provided after about a month. Recruiter promised up to $400. for travel reimbursement. I haven't gotten an answer from her after leaving a message asking how to facilitate the process. I would reccommend this agency to experienced travelers who know the ropes. 05/16/2007
  • Not a bad company. One incident with a day of missing pay but it was corrected (just concerned I had to bring the problem to their attention and they didn't catch). Housing got a little mixed up initially but a quick phone call fixed that problem. The company forgot to add me to the insurance company after I had filled out all the paperwork initially. Found out I wasn't covered only after I received a bill for healthcare and there was no record of insurance. I had been with the company about 5 months when this happened. They fixed the problem and reimbursed me the money but couldn't explain to me how I had "fallen through the cracks". Thank God I didn't get in a serious car accident during that time period. My recruiter was great with weekley calls but I only hear from her about once every two weeks or so now. This is my third assignment with them and I want to travel to Florida next but my recruitor has already told me that I will not make very much money in Florida because it is such a low pay rate state, so I will probably leave this company after my current assignment ends and look for something else. Hope this helps. 01/22/2007
  • If they get rid of their clinical supervisor, Carol, who is totally unsuportive of the nurses, they could be ok. Totally depends on your recruiter..They can be unethical
  • I have had an excellent experience with this agency. My recruiter was willing to listen and help me and gave me a lot of helpful information. I would recommend Nightingale to other Travelers. They made my first time travel assignment a great one.
  • Smoke and mirrors. Good marketers, but poor follow through with their promises. Violated some labor laws. Second rate housing. They refuse to put many things in writing. Beware.
  • I was very happy with them. I have worked for many big companies and they treated me with respect. I had a problem with the hospital and they took care of it for me. I was able to work in california and got pretty good rate for the area. I will be extended with them and hopefully find another position after that.
  • I had an excellent experience with Nightingale. They lsitened to what I wanted and they went out of their way to get me specialized housing (I have 3 dog and a disabled child). I had support of the entire team available 24 hours. I highly recommend them. JF
  • My recruiter kept in contact with me pretty much throughout my assignment, which was great. I was disappointed, though, when my assignment ended because I had really wanted to be assigned or marketed into hospital in my area. She made it sound all along like it was no big deal, but when the time came, she kept pushing for me to take an assignment in areas I didn't want.
  • Promised things but they did not keep those promises.Tried to hold last paycheck even after I met my contract and paperwork requirements...ended up finally getting paid but not without needing to contact them several days and speaking with few people.
  • I liked my recruiter, but I was mislead about the health insurance. It was indemnity and covered basically nothing. If they were to get REAL health insurance, I would work for them again.
  • constant problems with housing staff and agency staff we never knew which was lying to us about problems with housing.
  • Housing was unsatisfactory and very complicated with the agency and the apt complex. Was promised things and after travelling a very far distance had to take the arrangements
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