Travel Nursing Hospital Ranking Results

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Travel Nursing Hospital Review of: Good Samaritan Hospital
(all time)
(within 1 year)
1. Friendliness and acceptance of travelers by staff3
2. How open are they to allowing you to expand your skills while traveling?2.3
3. Hospital Technology2.5
4. Location (A nice area to live)3.5
5. Cafeteria food2.5
6. Parking3.2
7. Physical layout of hospital effecient2.3
8. Hospital appeal (looks)3
9. Hospital orientation geared toward travelers?2.2
10. Simplicity being initiated into the system (Do you have to do lots of unneccessary paperwork, drug testing, criminal background checks, etc. in addition to what the agency requires before you can start working?)1.8
11. Reputation of the hospital2.3
12. How nice are the doctors to staff3.3
13. Friendliness of staffing office2
14. Happy with the work scheduling procedure?2.3
15. How efficient is their system so you can get your job done?2.3
16. Adequacy of their nurse to patient ratio3.3
17. How well staffed are they2.5
18. How happy were you with your workload?3
19. Staff morale (overall)2.3
20. To what extent would you recommend this hospital to other travelers?2.7
Total Score (number or rankings)52.3(6)(0)
  • I worked in the PICU department(s) in the hospital. Extremely unsafe. You knew from the beginning something bad was going to happen, since there were only 2 nurses present. When something bad did happen, the manager and director had to be called in, but not arriving until the patient was basically dead (we just hadn't called it yet). They obviously had no clue what to do and stood there like statues stuck in cement. Later they threw the nurses under the bus to avoid being targeted themselves. In 20 years of nursing I've never felt so targeted and left hanging out to dry in such an unfair manner. 01/04/2020
  • Housing was approximately N/A mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was N/A. Housing was located in city of N/A. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 3. N/A
  • I worked in the inpatient department(s) in the hospital. Hostile 06/05/2015
  • Housing was approximately 10 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was my own. Housing was located in city of watsonville. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 1. na
  • I worked in the NSICU/CVICU department(s) in the hospital. This is my second contract in the area and I choose Good Sam for its positive reviews from other coworkers who are in the area. Housing is realativly inexpensive, and we work every other weekend. Only float from NSICU to CVICU. 01/10/2015
  • Housing was approximately 00 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was none. Housing was located in city of san jose. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 5. I took the housing stipend and found my own housing.
  • I worked in the ICU department(s) in the hospital. One of the nicest hospitals that I have traveled to, Very friendly, knowledgeable staff. Manager was great, charge nurses where there to work and to help. I would definitely recommend this hospital to travelers 07/15/2014
  • Housing was approximately 10 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Baymont. Housing was located in city of Sharonviille. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 3. Cincinnati is know for its bed bugs so be careful and look up any hotel that you plan on staying at on the bedbug registry
  • I worked in the Emergency Room department(s) in the hospital. The hospital is laid out very poorly. You have to take two elevators separated by a maze of hallways to transport your patients to their inpatient room They hold patients 75% of the time. It's a forty some bed ER and I've worked multiple nights with greater than 20 holds because the hospital isn't big enough to accommodate the influx of patients. The nurse/patient ratio works well when it is 1:3, but it's often 1:4. They do have ER techs who are mostly EMTs and are excellent resources and help with the workload immensely. Some of the staff are friendly and welcoming to travelers, but there is an equal number who are standoffish. The hospital overall is incredibly understaffed which makes the boarding situation even worse. However, I think they understand and are trying at least to correct the situation. I worked nightshift and often saw the manager, Lucas, come in during the night when we were holding to have emergency bed meetings and attempt to get the ER back in flow. 10/02/2013
  • Housing was approximately 1 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Chestnut Hills Apartment Complex. Housing was located in city of Puyallup. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 3. While my apartment is clean and has relatively new appliances, another traveler here with my company has a stove older than both of us put together so I think the apartments here are hit and miss. I don't have a pet, but they are a pet friendly complex. Maintenance is rude and never comes when you ask or even gives you a timeframe of any sort. I was on the street for two days because even though they advertise that they do emergency lockouts, the maintenance guy just wasn't feeling helping me out apparently. Overall, I wouldn't recommend this housing.
  • I worked in the cvicu department(s) in the hospital. This hospital is a small hospital in San Jose, in the middle of a very cute neighborhood. I was contracted to work in the CVICU which is in an older part of the hospital. The staff is a union hospital which had just converted to eight hour shifts from twelve hours. The nurses were very hostile toward travelers and their goal was to drive them out of the facility. They do not answer questions or help you. The management is exteremly concerned about budget and staff leaving on time. They hired travelers to transition to the eight hour shifts. The MICU is a beautiful new unit and the staff are a little more helpful. I did not finish the contract I documented enough safety issues to terminate it. I used to be very supportive of nursing union activity but after this assignment I would not hesitate to cross a strike line!! 05/24/2012
  • Housing was approximately 10 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was marriott. Housing was located in city of morgan hill. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4. Morgan hill was a great location! Right across the hotel there is a Walmart, Mcdonalds, Panda Express, Sushi Bar, Indian restaurant, and much more all in the same shopping plaza!
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