Travel Nursing Hospital Ranking Results

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Travel Nursing Hospital Review of: Mercy Hospital
(all time)
(within 1 year)
1. Friendliness and acceptance of travelers by staff3.3
2. How open are they to allowing you to expand your skills while traveling?2.5
3. Hospital Technology3.9
4. Location (A nice area to live)3.1
5. Cafeteria food3
6. Parking4
7. Physical layout of hospital effecient3.9
8. Hospital appeal (looks)4.1
9. Hospital orientation geared toward travelers?3.7
10. Simplicity being initiated into the system (Do you have to do lots of unneccessary paperwork, drug testing, criminal background checks, etc. in addition to what the agency requires before you can start working?)3.4
11. Reputation of the hospital3.6
12. How nice are the doctors to staff3.3
13. Friendliness of staffing office3.7
14. Happy with the work scheduling procedure?2.8
15. How efficient is their system so you can get your job done?3.7
16. Adequacy of their nurse to patient ratio3.4
17. How well staffed are they3.1
18. How happy were you with your workload?3.3
19. Staff morale (overall)2.5
20. To what extent would you recommend this hospital to other travelers?3
Total Score (number or rankings)67.3(10)(0)
  • I worked in the 5th Floor Medical Surgical department(s) in the hospital. This is not such a great place to work. The nurses aides were lazy. I would spend the first hour of my shift running around doing their job cause they were no where to be found. Unlike most other places I have worked they pay every 2 weeks instead of every week. They was they staffed was horrible. For instance they tended to bombard some travelers with admission while the full time staff only had 3-4 for patients and the travelers had 6. They also would stick a nurse with 6 patients and if they had an extra nurse instead of cutting back on the nurses load this nurse was a rover. It was the most idiotic thing I have seen. Because the river basically did nothing all night. The staff was unhappy and you could see why they were unhappy. Needlessly to say I ended my contract 2 days early after they complained on me because I questioned how they were assigning admissions. I had 4 patients one night. There was another traveler with 3 patients and a full time staff nurse with 2 patients. They came to me and said I was getting first admission. I asked them to explain to me why when there was a whole nurse sitting there with 2 patients. They could give me a reasonable answer so I refused to take the patient. I don’t think I was wrong to question that and it was very unfair. 01/29/2019
  • The name of the housing complex was NA. Housing was located in city of NA. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 1. NA
  • I worked in the Float pool department(s) in the hospital. First of all I was told in my interview and by my agency that I would be assigned to the med/surg unit on a designated floor , but soon found out I had actually been placed in the Float Pool. And was frequently sent to other units, sometimes moved 2 to 3 times a shift.I soon realized why this particular med/surg unit couldn't keep Staff.The majority of those working the med/surg unit were not team players,caused alot of drama, and to put it plainly were downright backstabbing,two-faced people. The majority would act nice and friendly to your face and openly ridicule you behind your back. It was as if they looked for ways to sabotage travelers,they were quick to blame the travelers for any mishaps,and would not hesitate to damage a traveler's reputation as a nurse if they felt their authority had been questioned-it have been a control issue. If at any time the viewpoint,actions,or preferences of a traveler conflicted with certain staff they apparently felt threatened. In turn staff managed to make the remainder of that traveler's contract time more difficult and even unbearable in some cases:nit-picking the traveler's every move/filing multiple complaints such as inadequate job performance,inability to get along and work with others,taking excessive breaks for more than their allotted time, only to name a few. In many cases traveler's refused to continue working under those circumstances and left their contract early being labeled ineligible for rehire and put inn the blacklist. But Mercy is also wellknown for cancelling nurse's contracts without notice due some fault of the nurse < although their had been no prior disciplinary reports and nothing reported to their agency> nurse accused, refused further explanation or more details and denied any opportunity to defend oneself or clear their name. Just blacklisted only leaving negative reference on their record.At times multiple nurses getting cancelled within days or hours of each other. Travelers often get the heavier workload and more difficult patients.Charge nurses are often untrained and unexperienced. It's common to get 2 to 3 new admits right in a row. I made the mistake once of telling my charge nurse that I could not safely take another admit as my patient load was already heavy and their high acuity levels( which I rarely have ever done: I consider myself a very strong versatile nurse that can handle a demanding patient assignment) but on this particular night I was already sinking and noone offered to help. Any more added responsibility would not be fair much less safe for my patient And I felt I would be putting my license in jeopardy. The charge nurse insisted I take another patient to admit even though I explained in detail why I felt I had to refuse. She called the house supervisor who came up and questioned my decision also. Although the house supervisor supported my decision (as she too felt my patient load was too heavy to take another patient), the charge nurse made it be known she was extremely irritated at me and from that time on I noticed I was treated differently by not only her but other staff members as well. All because I stood up for myself, protected my license and wanted to be sure my patients received the care they deserved. Yet I made enemies: I rocked the boat. Staff often could be found sleeping at the nurse's station or hiding in the break room. I also encountered a problem with a CNA falsifying documentation such as vital signs, turning and repositioning,providing hygiene bm's and urine output, blatently lying about completing patient care but never even entering the room and when I called her out on it and brought it to the attention of my charge nurse it only backfired on me as this CNA well-liked and part of the "click". No actions were taken, nothing more was ever mentioned about it, I was not asked to make a report or speak to management about it and she continued working as before. Soon after this same CNA made an accusation that she found me in an empty room sleeping which was reported to that unit manager along with my float pool manager and became part of my record yet I was never given the opportunity to deny my guilt or have any say. The hospital provides all the up-to-date equipment, the modern technologies of healthcare and is a very clean beautifully decorated facility. The ideations/mottos are in place to promote kindness, compassion,forgiveness,mercy and grace and portray a false semse that the workers there are humble and fair, consumed with a holiness devotion without judgement which eases many from fear, gives reasons for one to hope, and the promise of living care. The hospital is large, patient nurse ratio on med/surg,Tele, and ortho 6:1 possibly 7 at times-and acuity doesn'matter. I've had 2 complicated CBI's, a fresh post op trach,a man with multiple gunshot wounds requiring frequent dressing changes, a teenage girl having uncontrollable seizures despite vigorous interventions, a man with fasciitis of the arm from an infected dog bite and a new admit of an elderly woman with fever greater than 105 degrees and sudden onset of severe confusion, unknown cause, on every type isolation precaution, intractable vomiting, severe diarrhea, a major fall risk,infusing 8 different antibiotics through her 4 IV sites and having no-one to provide any history ___ all in one night at one time, practically primary care because the CNA avoids actual work but spends all her time looking busy, the other nurses have their own mess and the charge nurses specialty is how to ignore the chaos. 01/01/2019
  • Housing was approximately 25 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was I stayed with a friend . Housing was located in city of MARSHFIELD. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 5.
  • I worked in the ED department(s) in the hospital. 01/30/2018
  • Housing was approximately 50 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was private. Housing was located in city of Osage. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 1.
  • I worked in the ICU float department(s) in the hospital. I floated between their 4 ICU's (CICU-CTICU-SICU, MICU, Neuro/trauma ICU, and Burn ICU). Overall, great assignment, everyone was very friendly and helpful. Always plenty of help, the ICU's use aides, ratios were always 1:1- 1:2. Plenty of equipment. High acuity patients, willing to let travelers take more complex patients once you have proven yourself capable. 07/23/2017
  • Housing was approximately 5 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Greenway Studios. Housing was located in city of Springfield . On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 5. Brand new studios, furnished optional, very nice, and very reasonably priced.
  • I worked in the Critical Care Float Pool department(s) in the hospital. Awesome hospital to work for!! I floated between the 4 different ICU's, everyone was always very helpful and accepting. Plenty of resources and equipment, great ratios, never had more than 1-2 patients, WITH a tech!! This hospital provides good quality care using evidence based practices. Very high acuity patients, but never unmanageable since there was always so much help and all the tools and resources you need. Travelers seem to be well taken care of by the units, never given the bad or super hard assignments, people going out of their way to ask if you need anything. I loved my time here, and definitely would have stayed on longer had it been a better time of year in Missouri. 01/18/2017
  • Housing was approximately 3.5 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Greenway Studio Apartments. Housing was located in city of Springfield. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 5. Brand new studio apartments, with the option of fully furnished and utilities included. Very affordable, yet nice, new and well kept.
  • I worked in the ER department(s) in the hospital. Physicians are amazing and excellent to work with, scheduling was horrible for travelers. The hospital is nice and clean, extreme management issues with all managers quitting or being fired during my contract. Hospital sits in a questionable area of the city. Pt loads were approx 4:1 consistently. Travelers are not allowed to participate in codes or traumas, only their full time staff are educated enough to handle critical situations. Staff is clicky and not travel friendly. A lot of travelers and young inexperienced staff. 08/18/2016
  • Housing was approximately 100 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was my home. Housing was located in city of Des Moines. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 2. Did not stay locally to hospital.
  • I worked in the ED department(s) in the hospital. From an ED perspective......For the first few weeks I worked the fast track area almost exclusively, but as time went on I was scheduled in the zones. It was a nice way to transition because i was able to get my bearings with lower acuity patient loads for a few weeks. It's team nursing so there aren't room assignments, you just pick up patients as you're able to. Travelers are not allowed to have any part in traumas. There is no pediatric hospital in the area so you will see lots of kiddos. Staff members were friendly and accepting of the travelers, but I felt almost invisible to some of the management (didn't bother me because I rarely interacted with them, I just know it's nice to feel included by the whole team). Lots of available shifts in the ED- 7-7, 9-9, 11-11, 12-12, 5-5, and 9-5. As a mid-shifter there was rarely any slow time, but the shifts go by fast and nurses are always willing to help if you ask. Fast paced, lots of patients, high turnover for permanent staff, and overall friendliness to travelers. That's Mercy Springfield. 05/19/2016
  • Housing was approximately N/A mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was N/A. Housing was located in city of N/A. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 5. I found a house on air bnb that was great. Did not take company housing.
  • I worked in the Telemetry/SDU department(s) in the hospital. The staff was very nice, I made a few good friend from here. It is a Catholic based hospital and they really strive for the treat everyone equally concept. I worked here for 26 weeks and loved it. 12/10/2015
  • Housing was approximately 5-30 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was COE. Housing was located in city of Various. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4. We bought a 5th wheel to travel in. There are some really nice COE (Corp of Engineer) areas to stay. The nicest one is about 30 miles away, but worth it. The volunteers at all of them are very nice. Fort Smith is a neat town with shopping, downtown area close to the Arkansas River.
  • I worked in the Med surg department(s) in the hospital. Only things to do are movies and eating out. However, it is close to OKC and Dallas. Very safe, sleepy town. 07/01/2014
  • Housing was approximately 3 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Stone Creek. Housing was located in city of Ardmore. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4. Very clean and well kept up.
  • I worked in the ED department(s) in the hospital. Very unorganized. Not helpful. They give Travelers bad assignments/switch your assignment several times throughout the shift. Don't care about your schedule. They lie about how open they are with the schedule. 03/30/2007
  • Housing was approximately 19 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was 740 Mississippi River Blvd. Housing was located in city of St Paul. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 1. My car was broken into twice. And there was a carjacking in the parking lot of the building. It's noisy and if you get housed on the wrong side of the building the sun shines in your window the WHOLE day....not good if you work nights.
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