Travel Nursing Hospital
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Travel Nursing Hospital Review of: Mission Memorial
| Score (all time) | Score (within 1 year) | 1. Friendliness and acceptance of travelers by staff | 3.2 | |
2. How open are they to allowing you to expand your skills while traveling? | 2.2 | |
3. Hospital Technology | 2.9 | |
4. Location (A nice area to live) | 3.5 | |
5. Cafeteria food | 2.5 | |
6. Parking | 2.5 | |
7. Physical layout of hospital effecient | 2.3 | |
8. Hospital appeal (looks) | 3.3 | |
9. Hospital orientation geared toward travelers? | 3 | |
10. Simplicity being initiated into the system (Do you have to do lots of unneccessary paperwork, drug testing, criminal background checks, etc. in addition to what the agency requires before you can start working?) | 2.6 | |
11. Reputation of the hospital | 3.5 | |
12. How nice are the doctors to staff | 3.7 | |
13. Friendliness of staffing office | 3 | |
14. Happy with the work scheduling procedure? | 2.4 | |
15. How efficient is their system so you can get your job done? | 2.3 | |
16. Adequacy of their nurse to patient ratio | 2.5 | |
17. How well staffed are they | 2.4 | |
18. How happy were you with your workload? | 2.6 | |
19. Staff morale (overall) | 2.1 | |
20. To what extent would you recommend this hospital to other travelers? | 2.4 | |
Total Score (number or rankings) | 54.9(13) | (0) |
- I worked in the Spine Floor department(s) in the hospital. While on orientation my schedule which was supposed to be a " flex " thing was scheduled for me for the first 6 weeks of my assignment without even asking me. 11/26/2016
Housing was approximately 15 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Ansley @Roberts Lake. Housing was located in city of Arden. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4. Brand new complex they swab your dog's buccal gums and charge you 250.00 if your dog's feces in found on site ppl were always concerned but at least the was no dog poop. Parking was a little bit of a hassle but managable. - I worked in the Cvor department(s) in the hospital. Management is horrible. People are great to work with as well as the Drs. Housing is very difficult to find. 08/27/2016
Housing was approximately 3 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Na. Housing was located in city of Asheville. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 2. Na - I worked in the Float department(s) in the hospital. Staffing levels and moral are abysmal. The manager of the PCU ICU AND ER named Kelly can only be described by a french noun that describes a female dog, hint, it starts with a B. --- Communication between departments, HR, and other logistical elements is near ZERO. No one speaks to one another and everyone makes assumptions on what the other needs, this results in poor hospital performance and a lot of angry and confused people. --- The training department is really nice. The computer system seems like it could be user friendly, just depending on what you have used in the past. It is called PARAGON, Meds use Pyxis. Some charting and orders are still on paper. 01/22/2016
Housing was approximately 6 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Cozy Cabin. Housing was located in city of Maggie Valley. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4. Pretty sure this place in haunted... but thats just me.
Very nice fire place. In the summer it would be perfect for long porch sitting. Surrounded by quiet people and right on a golf course. - I worked in the MSPC/PMSD department(s) in the hospital. 07/25/2015
Housing was approximately 6.2 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Eastridge village. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 5. - I worked in the n/a department(s) in the hospital. Worst experience of my traveling career. Do not believe anything that is told to you in the interview process; because it's all complete and utter rubbish. Make sure you get everything in writing, and I mean everything. Do know that as a traveler you will float first, and when I say float I mean you will start iff with a pt load, and then halfway through the shift have to give up your pt's and be pulled somewhere else to take over someone else's pt's so that they can float somewhere else, and then you may or may not be pulled again in the same shift to do the same BS again. There is no rhyme or reason to the way they staff; to many handovers of pt's creates dangerous practice, orders get missed, pt care suffers, and accidents are waiting to happen. I have literally had as many as 8 different pt's in one day in the specialty area where I was contracted; and these are not your walking talking pt's, they are sick, sick, sick. This hospital is trying to go fir Magnet status but doesn't realize that with the way they staff, and the rate of turnover it will never happen. You will be micromanaged to death, no independent thinkers need apply. The best part of this contract was knowing that I got to leave after 3 months, I feel truly sorry for the staff at this place. There are a lot of really great people here who are getting the shaft from management. Worst cafeteria food ever. 07/04/2015
Housing was approximately 5 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was n/a. Housing was located in city of Asheville . On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 1. - I worked in the n/a varied department(s) in the hospital. First off this hospital exclusively used Cross Country as their traveling agency of choice; so it was a subcontract for my agency. There was an incredible amount of paperwork and educational videos that were required to be done prior to the contract even starting, strike one. Literally the educational videos and tests for the hospital that were required take about 12 hrs to complete, they are mostly policies and procedures that should be done after you start. Do make Cross Country pay you for them, they are that labor intensive. They flat out lied when I asked about the floating requirements, was told that you very rarely float and when you do it's to a "sister" unit. This was not the case at all, travelers float first, and to any unit they deem appropriate. Strike two. Staffing office is a complete joke, you will literally have your pt load in the morning, start working and then all of a sudden mid-day you will have to give up your pt's and float somewhere else and take over new pt's. No rhyme or reason to staffing at all; no concern for continuity of care, or that multiple hand offs can create pt safety issues. Strike three. At best it's a job, given the chance for a rewind I would have passed on this contract. The hospital is dangerously understaffed right now and routinely triple up really sick people on nights, but then expect all the "I's" to be dotted and "T's" to be crossed paperwork wise. I don't mind hard work, but I believe slave labor was outlawed a long time ago. They also practice "Mission" nursing, not necessarily what standard practice is, or even what national standards are, it's "the uber Mission" way or no way at all; and there's no deviation. So no independent thinkers need apply. Managers are extremely passive aggressive with staff and distanced from the reality of the situation. 06/18/2015
Housing was approximately n/a mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was n/a. Housing was located in city of Asheville . On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 3. This is a resort town, but can't figure out why. Super expensive and not enough short term reasonable housing. This town is so whacked the town itself won't allow Airbnb. LOL - I worked in the CVICU department(s) in the hospital. Ditto on what the last person wrote. My contract was supposed to be in the CVICU; now 7 weeks into a 13 week assignment & I have worked in that unit once. I have literally been floated to the Telemetry floor the other scheduled work days. I don't mind floating occasionally,
Sbut I didn't contract to work on the Telemetry floor. So ready for this contract to be over, and so ready to leave North Carolina. This hospital staffs at unsafe and dangerous levels. Example, they tried to give a nurse a balloon pump pt and a CRRT pt, like what the bleep. They are in desperate need of nurses, but who would stay under conditions like this. Administration needs a wake up call. 06/04/2015
Housing was approximately 7 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was n/a. Housing was located in city of Asheville . On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 3. Resort town, super expensive. - I worked in the ICU's department(s) in the hospital. Mission is currently going through a massive turnover in personnel through their own fault. The State of North Carolina chose not to expand their Medicare/Medicaid programs under the ACA, Mission chose to preemptively cut staffing, decrease PTO hours, restructure mgt, implement mandatory OT, and only recognize two holidays. Now I am not a CEO or COO, but I can't help but to think that if you treat people like crap eventually you won't have anymore staff. Staff morale is at an all time low, and the people here are stretched too thin. Mission is the only large hospital for most of western NC with around 800 beds. There are smaller hospitals around, but they all dump their more complex patients at this facility. So it is an extremely vicious cycle here right now. They routinely triple really sick pts at night because of staffing issues. Also, unfortunately Cross Country has the monopoly on staffing here, so you will sub-contact if you work for someone else, and beware there are a ton of pre-employment modules they want done that take > 6 hrs to complete prior to orientation. I made them pay me for doing them prior to actually starting my contract 05/24/2015
Housing was approximately 3 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Extended Stay. Housing was located in city of Asheville . On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 3. This is a tourist trap destination and it is expensive to rent here a small (750 sq ft) furnished apartment will run between $2500-3500/mo & does usually not cover internet and electric. Also Asheville is very dog restrictive in their breed selections. There is not enough housing in the city currently. Do stay away form downtown as there is a very large and very noticeable hoodlum/homeless population. - I worked in the nursing department(s) in the hospital. staff is dishonest and lies. patients treat staff horribly 04/29/2015
Housing was approximately 2 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was extended stay. Housing was located in city of asheville. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 1. - I worked in the CVICU department(s) in the hospital. Enjoyed the assignment. 01/20/2014
Housing was approximately 7 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was N/a. Housing was located in city of Asheville. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 3. N/a - I worked in the NICU department(s) in the hospital. The staff were amazing. I felt completely welcomed and accepted by all of the staff. They gave me list of things to do while in the area and helped me plan places to take my family and friends when they visited. The unit is a nice open hall type unit with a transition area that is private rooms for getting prepared for going home. The first month I was in this area. Mostly level 2 babies and parents doing the majority of the care. This I didn't like. I come for a very high level 3 unit and was bored with the patient load I was assigned here. That is the main reason why I only stayed for one contract. Otherwise, I would have stayed because of the wonderful team I worked with and the city was neat to explore. 10/23/2013
Housing was approximately 18 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was my own. Housing was located in city of Black Mountain. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 3. I found my own housing in a cabin with other travelers. I was about a 30min drive and no a/c, which you will find in many places in Asheville. So be on the lookout for that if traveling during the summer. - Housing was approximately 3 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was river ridge. Housing was located in city of asheville. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4. 01/25/2009
n/a - I worked in the ER department(s) in the hospital. Great place to work. Lots of travelers initially, but have now staffed well enough to not use them in the ER. Area trauma center, lots of car wrecks. Referral center for western NC, so lots of transfers from rural area. Great place to live and work. Exceptionally friendly and helpful staff, felt like family. 11/04/2006
Housing was approximately 10 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Woodland Hills. Housing was located in city of Asheville. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 5. Housing in downtown Asheville is very expensive, few apartment complexes, but 5-10 miles out are loaded with nice, reasonable housing. Return to top of page
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