Travel Nursing Hospital Ranking Results

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Travel Nursing Hospital Review of: Craven Regional Hospital
(all time)
(within 1 year)
1. Friendliness and acceptance of travelers by staff2.5
2. How open are they to allowing you to expand your skills while traveling?1.9
3. Hospital Technology1.5
4. Location (A nice area to live)2.6
5. Cafeteria food2.9
6. Parking4.6
7. Physical layout of hospital effecient1.6
8. Hospital appeal (looks)2.2
9. Hospital orientation geared toward travelers?2.5
10. Simplicity being initiated into the system (Do you have to do lots of unneccessary paperwork, drug testing, criminal background checks, etc. in addition to what the agency requires before you can start working?)2
11. Reputation of the hospital2
12. How nice are the doctors to staff3.5
13. Friendliness of staffing office2.2
14. Happy with the work scheduling procedure?1.6
15. How efficient is their system so you can get your job done?1.5
16. Adequacy of their nurse to patient ratio1.4
17. How well staffed are they1.9
18. How happy were you with your workload?1.5
19. Staff morale (overall)1.5
20. To what extent would you recommend this hospital to other travelers?1.4
Total Score (number or rankings)42.8(8)(0)
  • I worked in the OR department(s) in the hospital. Treated travellers like crap. Overworked the travellers while staff took it easy. Nurses pulled everything for all cases. Dr's had nurses make personal calls and pagers went off all the time, mostly personal calls. CRNA's were great!! Never relieved on time. Dr's treated nurses like crap and were allowed to get away with it. 07/18/2008
  • Housing was approximately 5 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Not sure, but near the new high school. Housing was located in city of New Bern. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 2. No ammenities, no onsite office. I had a dog and had to walk him in what I called a dump. A vacant area that had garbage dumped in it, tires, glass, old aluminum window frames, etc. AC froze and had to be turned off for 3 days IN JULY to thaw and be fixed, no window unit offered. This also happened 1 week AFTER it was serviced. I had a dog and if I didn't have a friend in the area, he probably would have died!!
  • I worked in the Emergency department(s) in the hospital. This ER is the place to go if you are ready to loose your nursing license. The ER is staffed with only New Grads (not always a bad thing, not usually a great thing) and Travel Nurses. The hospital offers $15,000 bonus for completing 2 yrs and I met 4 people who were actually paying it back to get out of the ER. Management is ruthless and scheduling is a disaster. I would have assignments with 4-5 rooms with no regard to acuity. I would have a vented pt on pressers with a cpr in progress plus up to 3 other pts. Travelers get the worst assignments. Including the assignment that has 4 critical beds and the code room for 1 nurse. They use an "on call system" which is code for madatory overtime. The town does not have a coroner and the charge nurses are "trained" as medical examiners and constantly pronounce people dead in the ambulance bay. DFS was sent to the facility multiple times for questionable practices and multiple deaths that took place in the hallways of the ER because there were not rooms available. The pts in New Bern were some of the sickest I have ever dealt with and you were on your own. The techs are basically lab techs and will only run i-stats and urine, rarely did they even touch the pts. Routinely pts were held in the ER even though they had 2 units designed to hold overflow. That meant ICU pts could stay 8 plus hours in ER while you were trying to deal with everything else coming through the door. This place was terrifying. Don't do it, you couldn't pay me enough to go back. I heard that travelers on other floors enjoyed their experiece at Craven, it may just be the ER that has most of the fatal flaws. 05/14/2008
  • Housing was approximately 1.5 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Tryon Estates. Housing was located in city of New Bern. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4. Housing near the hospital is slim pickings and most places don't have good if any websites. Old but manageable.
  • I worked in the CCU department(s) in the hospital. The hospital is a good place to work but the manager of the CCU is a dingbat. Not only does she micromanage but she meddles in the daily functioning of the unit. Her constant interruptions disrupt the flow of the unit. Most travelers last one assignment in her unit. 10/21/2007
  • Housing was approximately 6 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Patio Homes in River Bend. Housing was located in city of River Bend. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4. It offered a nice yard, private driveway and quiet community.
  • I worked in the CCU department(s) in the hospital. Was informed Nurse Manager was not well liked by other administration so unit was dumped on regularly. About the only time you would get a room to transfer a patient was when someone needed to transfer to you. It was not uncommon to have to transfer immediately because you were getting someone else. 08/23/2007
  • Housing was approximately 6 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Woodland Crossing. Housing was located in city of New Bern. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4. The complex has a small dog park which was nice exercise for my australian shepherd.
  • Most miserable place I've ever worked. Staff are so overworked that you can't get any help and the assignments are really rough. Management sucks. Patient care suffers a great deal due to staffing and staff morale. I wouldn't go back if they offered $100/ hr and $5000 bonus.
  • I worked in the ER department(s) in the hospital. Housing was approximately 5 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Colony Village. Housing was located in city of New Bern. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 2. Housing was old and needed many repairs. Staff was nice. Never felt safe.
  • The management was a problem. Unprofessional behavior, and call outs on holidays were common place. Nothing was done by the nurse manager and so the problems continued. The nurse to patient ratio was always changing depending on bed demand. I came to expect to take an extra patient than the allowed nurse to patient ratio.
  • The staff attitude towards travelers is divided, some like them others do not, unfortunately the staff that dont like the travelers are also the charge nurses, who assign the assignments. Dont count on anyone to help - if they have nothing to do they are usually sitting and chatting among themselves, watching you work. The one time I found everyone to be very friendly is when they wanted to trade work days with you or wanted you to work an extra shift. As far as the techs go, dont look for them either and if you do find one and need something done, expect to have them roll their eyes at you or give a disgruntled sound. Stay away if at all possible.
  • I worked in the ER department(s) in the hospital. Housing was approximately 4 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Olde South Apt. Housing was located in city of New Bern. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 3.
  • I expected more from this hospital but they have some management issues with the ER supervisor and the department head. They gave the travelers the crappy assignments usually and the support staff (aids and secretarys) were impossible to find half the time but they still collected a paycheck as if they worked. Not all of them were lazy but a great deal were and this caused the workload of the nurse to be increased and nothing was done about it. My housing was 15 miles from the hospital in an RV park nearby. I ca not remember the name.
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