Travel Nursing Hospital
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Travel Nursing Hospital Review of: Wellington Regional Hospital
| Score (all time) | Score (within 1 year) | 1. Friendliness and acceptance of travelers by staff | 5 | |
2. How open are they to allowing you to expand your skills while traveling? | 3 | |
3. Hospital Technology | 2 | |
4. Location (A nice area to live) | 4 | |
5. Cafeteria food | 4 | |
6. Parking | 4 | |
7. Physical layout of hospital effecient | 4 | |
8. Hospital appeal (looks) | 4 | |
9. Hospital orientation geared toward travelers? | 3 | |
10. Simplicity being initiated into the system (Do you have to do lots of unneccessary paperwork, drug testing, criminal background checks, etc. in addition to what the agency requires before you can start working?) | 2 | |
11. Reputation of the hospital | 3 | |
12. How nice are the doctors to staff | 4 | |
13. Friendliness of staffing office | 5 | |
14. Happy with the work scheduling procedure? | 5 | |
15. How efficient is their system so you can get your job done? | 2 | |
16. Adequacy of their nurse to patient ratio | 2 | |
17. How well staffed are they | 2 | |
18. How happy were you with your workload? | 2 | |
19. Staff morale (overall) | 3 | |
20. To what extent would you recommend this hospital to other travelers? | 3 | |
Total Score (number or rankings) | 66(1) | (0) |
- I worked in the Emergency department(s) in the hospital. Let me start by saying this was a pretty good experience for a Florida hospital. I have heard that Florida hospitals are generally not good, but overall Wellington isn't terrible. However, I was really glad when my assignment was up and did not want to extend.
Orientation was very quick. All the online modules were to be completed before actually working. There were many that had to be done. Those hours were unpaid. I got a quick Cerner orientation from the manager for an hour or so and then 4 hours on the floor. After that, I got 1 full 12 hour shift with a preceptor and then I was on my own. No actual hospital orientation or classes.
Cerner is the charting system. I got a few hours of orientation with Cerner from the manager. It's a lot of double charting. Not as good as Epic, but not as bad as Meditech, in my opinion.
The manager was very nice, but is very unorganized. He allowed the travelers to self- schedule. One time, I asked him if I could attend a CPI class, and he didn't get back to me until the day of and then said I probably could not attend because it was unpaid, even though I wasn't expecting to be paid.
The staff was very friendly toward travelers. I worked night shift and the charge nurses were very helpful. They were fair with the patient assignments. However, there was a charge nurse who was more difficult to work with. She was a micromanager, and did not assign patients correctly. Frequently I would be given 2 or 3 patients back to back, when other nurses haven't had a new patient for hours. This wasn't because I was a traveler, she just wasn't a critical thinker. She was nice and approachable, but frustrating to work with. Everything was high stress with her when it did not need to be. Frequently my ratio was 1:4-5. The other nurses were open to my questions. A lot of them were nurses for <2years, but acted like they knew everything. This ER saw some high acuity patients. Because of this, the hospital is trying to add ECMO to the ER/ICU. However, in my opinion, most of the nurses on night shift are not qualified or experienced enough to handle this. There is not enough staff on nights to safely provide care for this type of patient.
The doctors were approachable and friendly. Most of them were willing to teach and answer questions. However, there were quite a few others (mostly day shift) that didn't seem to care about the needs of their patients. One doctor literally did not want to be bothered. Many did not go back to give the patient an update or provide results or tell them that they would be admitted. The admitting hospital doctors were very rude and dismissive toward nurses questions/clarifications and critical results. Also, one of the CT techs was so rude I thought about writing her up. One time, my patient wasn't drinking the contrast for her CT, so the tech told her that we were going to have to force a tube down her throat to give it.
The technology was fairly old, or not available. There were about 3 thermometers and 1 dynamap for the whole unit, and they were never put back in their assigned places. Also, the tube system never worked so I was told "just walk it to lab." Lab was close, but that was an extra step and not time-efficient. They also have very sensitive/specific troponins which have to be drawn again after the first and third hour. The nurses primarily use computers on wheels. There are no computers in the room. There were limited computers and the room assignments were all spread out, so there was alot of standing and walking. Also, nurses had to do the full registration and triage process for every patient, which was very time consuming. Most of the older techs were never available, or very reluctant to help. They mostly did transports, even though they were trained to do IVs, lab draws, etc. The newer techs/nursing externs were very helpful. The other nurses as well were pretty helpful. However, there were some who clearly made it known that they did not want to be bothered.
Also, the ER was always very hot/humid and frequently had tiny flies and ants around the computers. Many patient rooms had water damage and leaks due to the broken AC. Work orders were placed, but never got fixed.
The hospital was in a good location. Wellington is very nice and tropical. There is a free parking garage which is close to the entrance. 03/11/2021
Housing was approximately 10 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was airbnb. Housing was located in city of Loxahatchee. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4. I stayed in an airbnb in a loft above a horse stable. This was on a small farm. About a 16-20 min drive. Not much traffic. Close to stores and parks. Housing is expensive. Return to top of page
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