Travel Nursing Hospital Ranking Results

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Travel Nursing Hospital Review of: Copley Hospital
(all time)
(within 1 year)
1. Friendliness and acceptance of travelers by staff3.5
2. How open are they to allowing you to expand your skills while traveling?2
3. Hospital Technology2
4. Location (A nice area to live)4.5
5. Cafeteria food3.5
6. Parking4
7. Physical layout of hospital effecient2.5
8. Hospital appeal (looks)3
9. Hospital orientation geared toward travelers?1.5
10. Simplicity being initiated into the system (Do you have to do lots of unneccessary paperwork, drug testing, criminal background checks, etc. in addition to what the agency requires before you can start working?)3
11. Reputation of the hospital2.5
12. How nice are the doctors to staff3.5
13. Friendliness of staffing office1.5
14. Happy with the work scheduling procedure?2.5
15. How efficient is their system so you can get your job done?2.5
16. Adequacy of their nurse to patient ratio3.5
17. How well staffed are they3.5
18. How happy were you with your workload?3.5
19. Staff morale (overall)2.5
20. To what extent would you recommend this hospital to other travelers?2
Total Score (number or rankings)57(2)(0)
  • I worked in the Medical Surgical department(s) in the hospital. I worked nights at Copley in 2019. They had a nursing floor, OR and ED. The floor staff was very nice. However, there was one miserable nurse aide named Laura that I disliked as a person and CNA. I dont think I ever spoke to managwment although they would pass by on the floor sometimes at am shift change. Not a word to me. My last 2 weeks they schefuled me 5 nights in a row. I emailed to ask for a change and they said I know its hard, sorry. I was there 11 weeks. They engaged in some things I thought were unsafe but said thats how they do it there. I spoke up and was not supported by night charge nurse. It is a CAH. I was paid $2k net while there and would not go back for that or more. The facility and equipment were adequate for a CAH. 07/28/2020
  • Housing was approximately 5 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was private. Housing was located in city of Morristown. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4. I rented a basement apartment in the country 5 miles South of town. I found it on the gypsy housing fb page. Housing is hard to come by in rural VT. Its either ninexistent or nasty and expensive or resort-like and very expensive. I paid $900 for a not very nice apt. with a terrible bed. The people of Morristown and area are amazing. So much outdoor stuff to do all year. Not much more to do than outdoor things though.
  • I worked in the Perioperative department(s) in the hospital. 3 OR critical access hospital. While I was there, we moved into new OR suites which was a humongous upgrade for them. The docs are nice once they get to know you but until then they love to challenge ya. Management was beyond horrible and was the reason I only completed a single 13 week contract. If management would change, I would consider going back. Took call one night a week and did 3 full weekends of call in 13 weeks. Area of Stowe was absolutely beautiful! So much to do in the area. 10/27/2017
  • Housing was approximately 15 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Stowe Mountain Lodge Condos. Housing was located in city of Stowe, VT. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4. I rented the place I stayed through home away. Mike and Maria were amazing hosts.
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