Travel Nursing Hospital Ranking Results

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Travel Nursing Hospital Review of: City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center
(all time)
(within 1 year)
1. Friendliness and acceptance of travelers by staff3.2
2. How open are they to allowing you to expand your skills while traveling?3.2
3. Hospital Technology2.5
4. Location (A nice area to live)3.8
5. Cafeteria food2.4
6. Parking3.1
7. Physical layout of hospital effecient3.2
8. Hospital appeal (looks)3.9
9. Hospital orientation geared toward travelers?3
10. Simplicity being initiated into the system (Do you have to do lots of unneccessary paperwork, drug testing, criminal background checks, etc. in addition to what the agency requires before you can start working?)3.4
11. Reputation of the hospital3.9
12. How nice are the doctors to staff3.2
13. Friendliness of staffing office3.8
14. Happy with the work scheduling procedure?3.8
15. How efficient is their system so you can get your job done?2.8
16. Adequacy of their nurse to patient ratio3.8
17. How well staffed are they3.5
18. How happy were you with your workload?3.2
19. Staff morale (overall)3
20. To what extent would you recommend this hospital to other travelers?3
Total Score (number or rankings)65.7(8)(0)
  • I worked in the HCT department(s) in the hospital. I had high hopes for this hospital but was ultimately disappointed. The policies and procedures for the unit are pretty outdated, very tasky workload, staff can be cliquey but overall they were helpful. Did not feel well supported by management. 03/20/2020
  • Housing was approximately 3.5 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was own.. Housing was located in city of Arcadia. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 5. N/A
  • I worked in the VAD department(s) in the hospital. I was hired for the Vascular Access Device (VAD) CLinic. Was hired for the 12pm-8:30pm M-F shift. was occasional asked to work 12hr shift on days staffing was short. Great staff to work with, team work among the staff was evident. Manager was very flexible and seriously took his staff's opinions and suggestions in to consideration. Manager took great care of this staff and getting time off was never a problem for me. They welcome travelers with open arms and treated travelers like a member of their team. Loved it so much I extended by contract a 2nd time. Would have went permanent there if it wasn't for the high cost of living in California. 01/18/2019
  • Housing was approximately 11 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Acappella Appartments. Housing was located in city of Pasadena. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 3. I took the agency housing in Pasadena. Very Expensive but a really nice and peaceful area to live in. Commute to work was like 15min without traffic.
  • I worked in the PACU/PreOp Holding department(s) in the hospital. MCFW has a terrific, cohesive PACU unit and their nurse supervisor was great to work with as well. The Ancillary departments, med-surg units/critical care were hit and miss - some were quick to arrive when you brought a patient to them but others you'd have to hit the call light repeatedly asking for patient's primary nurse despite talking with the PC nurse prior to PACU discharge. Anesthesia (MD's, CRNA's) are top notch and extremely responsive when needed for questions, concerns, or assessment postoperatively. The PACU/Same Day Surgery/PreAdmission Testing manager was not particularly welcoming. I was never assigned a locker to place my personal belongings in (coat, wallet, etc). As it's an HCA facility, any deviations from scheduled hours requires a low census form to be submitted to Health-Trust who will forward to the nurse's agency in order to facilitate payroll/ Health Trust is the company contracted by HCA to fill staffing needs. I had been called off due to low census two weeks after arriving and my repeated attempts (in person, phone, email) to contact the director about filling out the form were unsuccessful for four weeks. 01/16/2019
  • Housing was approximately 10 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was PO Box 156. Housing was located in city of White Settlement, Texas. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4.
  • I worked in the Infusion Clinin - Foundation department(s) in the hospital. My travel assignment with City of Hope was ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!! I floated throughout their Foundation(which I agreed on in my contract). Therefore I went to 9 of their outpatient infusion clinics. The doctors their were kind and considerate and helpful. The nurses were so accepting and made a good team. I extended my contract with city of hope several times. South Pasadena Outpatient clinic was my favorite and if I were to stop traveling I would choose that clinic. I moved a few times, however, I live in Old Town South Pasadena, it was expensive but there is ALWAYS someplace to go/eat/or have a good time. My only displeasure was living in The Holly Street Village Apartments(NEVER EVER AGAIN). I HAVE BEEN AN INFUSION NURSE FOR 17 YEARS AND I ENJOYED MY ASSIGNMENT THERE AND MAY GO BACK!! 08/21/2017
  • Housing was approximately 2 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was hOLLY sTREET vILLAGE. Housing was located in city of South Pasadena. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 1. Whhile staying in Holly Street Village I felt so incredibly over priced. I am certain that I was in the "low income section" At one point the leasing office held my dog for 3 days(he had his collar and our names on him). They stated that they did not know who the dog belonged to. I feel as though they were trying to get me fired on my job, they wrote numerous emails to my company that I had to call them and get to the bottom of, and every time they would say "I never said that", and I knformed them that I had copies of the emails. The location of the complex is optimum, however, IF IT WERE FREE I WOULD NEVER STAY THERE AGAIN!!!!
  • I worked in the Med/Onc Unit A department(s) in the hospital. As a night nurse on Unit A at City of Hope, overall I had a positive experience. I am an oncology nurse, so the workload was not unfamiliar to me. Several travelers do not have oncology experience which I thought was odd since it was a cancer hospital, but it can be done. I never had more than 4 patients. Usually 3 bc I hang chemo, but if you don't hang chemo plan on having 4. The admits can be a bit overwhelming bc they come in often, and the charting for admits is tedious. The acuity for Unit A was not bad. It was one of the less "sick" floors. The nice part is that since the whole hospital is cancer, they divide it among acuity well. I think out of 16 weeks I floated 3 times. They put everyone including permanent staff on a list and rotated evenly. Only once did I float when it wasn't my turn. The staff are overall friendly and willing to help; however, they usually only helped if you asked for it, they didn't often offer it. I found it interesting that if I wasn't at my desk for hours at a time, no body would come to check on me and ask if I needed to help. They use vocera's to communicate among nurses, but they really do no good if you don't know your co-workers first and last names. I thought they were kind of dumb. Unit A, B, and C are in the old part of the hospital and don't have the "amenities" that the main part of the hospital. We didn't have access to the tube system, and we would have to walk to the ETC to send labs and get meds. We would have to walk to the blood bank to get blood products. But anywhere else in the hospital did have access to tube system. Overall I was happy with my experience and would recommend it. 06/29/2017
  • Housing was approximately 6 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Air BnB. Housing was located in city of Sierra Madre. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 5.
  • I worked in the Oncology department(s) in the hospital. Orientation was wonderful and long enough but once getting to the unit the preceptors are horrible. They set travelers up to fail and the hospital believes the staff...just prior to my arrival there were TWELVE travelers let go. Mostly from the unit I was assigned to be on. The staff are very immature, picture the movie Mean Girls but in a hospital setting. They chased off travelers and then had the nerve to complain about their own schedules being bad..well..if you hadn't gotten those 12 travelers let go, you'd have more relief help! I had TWO charge nurses tell me to leave patients from home narcotics unsecured are the nursing station or on the med room counter and they got upset when I insisted on securing them in pharmacy. Preceptors will punt a traveler to another staff during the orientation preceptor shifts just because. I heard one say about a traveler to a fellow staff nurse "wellll..she knows her stuff but I don't want her for a night?" Stay away from this facility...not worth going there only to be dismissed by brats. I did renew but ONLY to get thru the holidays..after that I fled! 05/08/2017
  • Housing was approximately 2 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was ESA . Housing was located in city of Monrovia . On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4. N/a
  • I worked in the M/S Tele department(s) in the hospital. The staff was unfriendly, bullying was frequent. Schedule gets changed without warning. Some patients are not assigned to travelers per doctors/ surgeons request, Allscripts EHR is obsolete and not user friendly and some units refuse to have travelers. 01/04/2017
  • Housing was approximately n/a mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was n/a. Housing was located in city of n/a. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 1. n/a
  • I worked in the MS/ONCOLOGY department(s) in the hospital. I worked night shift on EHA. The classroom orientation was organized and welcoming. What a change I walked into... once on the floor! The few staff nurses they have left, were very childish, lots of whispering behind your back and eye rolling. Constant complaining and talking about other staff. It's like an episode of mean girls. My first 15 mins on the floor I watched the charge nurse and my preceptor advise a patient to write another traveler up and gave her the paperwork to do it. The patient was admitted at change of shift and the traveler didn't attach the SCDs. OMG, life threatening. She was ambulatory by the way. The orientation on the floor sets you up to fail. They focus so much on their horrible All Scripts Charting system and fail to mention the basics. My preceptor was rude when I asked her questions. She yawned all shift as if she was telling me how bored or how cool she was. Constantly looking at her phone and texting. Would have been nice if she spent a little time explaining the protocols, instead of sitting across the room. Worst assignment ever! It's very sad as this hospital is suppose to be tops in Cancer Treatment in the US. Even the shift supervisors and managers were new travelers! Not sure what the massive exodus of regular staff nurses is all about, but they better get it together with the traveler treatment or they'll be on their own. 5 staff RNs and the rest were new, very unhappy travelers, who couldn't wait for their assignment to be over. Do not take this assignment unless you want to risk your license. I wouldn't trust the staff nurses for a minute. RUN!!! I wouldn't recommend this hospital to anyone I loved who was ill. Theirs better places! 10/14/2016
  • Housing was approximately 2 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was Extended Stay . Housing was located in city of Monrovia. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 3. it was either this hotel or do my own housing. New to the area nad housing is pretty pricey. Wasn't bad for a hotel, a little small for a lengthy assignment. No couch, small kitchenette, stove top, large fridge. Bathroom was big. Clean and quiet.
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