Travel Nursing Hospital Ranking Results

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Travel Nursing Hospital Review of: McKenzie-Willamette
(all time)
(within 1 year)
1. Friendliness and acceptance of travelers by staff3.3
2. How open are they to allowing you to expand your skills while traveling?2.7
3. Hospital Technology2.3
4. Location (A nice area to live)3.7
5. Cafeteria food1.3
6. Parking4.3
7. Physical layout of hospital effecient3
8. Hospital appeal (looks)2.3
9. Hospital orientation geared toward travelers?1.7
10. Simplicity being initiated into the system (Do you have to do lots of unneccessary paperwork, drug testing, criminal background checks, etc. in addition to what the agency requires before you can start working?)3
11. Reputation of the hospital2.7
12. How nice are the doctors to staff2.7
13. Friendliness of staffing office4.7
14. Happy with the work scheduling procedure?4.3
15. How efficient is their system so you can get your job done?2.7
16. Adequacy of their nurse to patient ratio4
17. How well staffed are they3.3
18. How happy were you with your workload?3.3
19. Staff morale (overall)2.7
20. To what extent would you recommend this hospital to other travelers?3.3
Total Score (number or rankings)61.3(3)(0)
  • I worked in the RN department(s) in the hospital. I was a first time travel nurse here on days. I was hired for med-surg, but worked on the surgical care (post op tele/med surg) primarily. I loved the people I worked with. I loved the scheduling process. All of the charge nurses were fantastic. Very friendly for travelers, especially first timers. I extended here. Parking was excellent. Plenty to choose from. Charting system was medhost, which could be better, but could be worse. There is half paper charting which was annoying, but doable. Ratios were 1:5 max. The attitude from the physicians depends on who you were working with. Some MDs were fantastic, some were terrible. The cafeteria is horrible. Disgusting is not an exaggeration. I would return if given the chance. 01/15/2018
  • Housing was approximately 15 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was RV park. Housing was located in city of Eugene. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4. none
  • I worked in the RN department(s) in the hospital. Worked at a float RN, med surg. I extended here, so it can't be too bad. I'm satisfied for the most part. The cafeteria is terrible. The doctors attitudes with nurses are so-so. Staff was welcoming. Charting was okay, could be worse...but they are on half paper charting which I find is inefficient. Manager and charge RNs are very nice and helpful for traveler. I don't have any major complaints. I would recommend this hospital for an assignment, especially for a first timer. 04/28/2017
  • Housing was approximately 15 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was rv. Housing was located in city of Eugene. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 5. None
  • I worked in the Main OR department(s) in the hospital. Not very friendly staff. Considering they need travelers to run the load of cases. Very rude females co-worker . Only the males were friendly. Could be a better place if they were better team players a friendly. Surgeon were very nice for the must part. 09/25/2015
  • Housing was approximately 15 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was None. Housing was located in city of Eugene. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 5. Found my own housing
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