Travel Nursing Hospital
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Travel Nursing Hospital Review of: Beth Iseral Deaconess (Plymouth)
| Score (all time) | Score (within 1 year) | 1. Friendliness and acceptance of travelers by staff | 4 | |
2. How open are they to allowing you to expand your skills while traveling? | 3.4 | |
3. Hospital Technology | 2.4 | |
4. Location (A nice area to live) | 3.8 | |
5. Cafeteria food | 2.8 | |
6. Parking | 3.2 | |
7. Physical layout of hospital effecient | 3 | |
8. Hospital appeal (looks) | 2.6 | |
9. Hospital orientation geared toward travelers? | 2.2 | |
10. Simplicity being initiated into the system (Do you have to do lots of unneccessary paperwork, drug testing, criminal background checks, etc. in addition to what the agency requires before you can start working?) | 2.6 | |
11. Reputation of the hospital | 3 | |
12. How nice are the doctors to staff | 3.8 | |
13. Friendliness of staffing office | 3.8 | |
14. Happy with the work scheduling procedure? | 3.2 | |
15. How efficient is their system so you can get your job done? | 2 | |
16. Adequacy of their nurse to patient ratio | 2.4 | |
17. How well staffed are they | 2.2 | |
18. How happy were you with your workload? | 2.8 | |
19. Staff morale (overall) | 3.2 | |
20. To what extent would you recommend this hospital to other travelers? | 2.6 | |
Total Score (number or rankings) | 59(5) | (0) |
- I worked in the ED department(s) in the hospital. 70% of ED patients are psychiatric, drug or alcohol abuse patients. OF intubations every shift. No equipment works! 01/29/2021
Housing was approximately N/a mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was N/a. Housing was located in city of N/q. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 3. N/a - I worked in the ER department(s) in the hospital. I worked in the ER from January-May 2020. I worked night shift. I started shortly before COVID happened. The first month (pre-COVID) was awful. There weren't any nursing ratios. The charge nurses would continue to pile patients in the hallways and expect the nurses to take on more patients. Prior to COVID, I had a few shifts with 1:5 or 1:6 ratios. The doctors were extremely overwhelmed. This ER is very nurse-protocol driven. The nurse enters all orders and completes them- sometimes hours before the doctor sees them. I've had patients wait 5-6 hours in a room before the doctor even saw them. Nurses have to register every rescue that comes in. Meditech is the EMR charting system. Very inefficient. Also, not very high acuity of patients seen.
Mandatory pass/fail tests on the first day. Orientation was a complete waste of time for the travelers. Orientation was geared toward permanent hospital staff. Benefits, unions, politics etc. discussed and not applicable to travelers. Many policies and protocols not even relevant to the ER and especially for ER travelers. Wasted 3 days of what could be valuable orientation time on the unit.
The assignments were "team" focused. Meaning, you were in a bay with another 1-2 nurses and would take patients as they came. No assigned rooms, but it was expected that you would keep up and maintain a fair/even amount of patients. This worked well overnight, depending on which nurses you were in the bay with. But overall, I never really had a problem with any of the other nurses. The staff nurses were very friendly and helpful. Because of COVID, we had to open a tent outside to pre-screen every patient/visitor and also opened a 6 bed COVID unit. This reduced the amount of nurses in the acute care side, but thankfully the volume of patients decreased during those months.
Phlebotomy is supposed to get all of the blood cultures and type and screens in the ER immediately after it's ordered (sepsis alert), but usually you have to call them to remind them because they take their time. There is a phlebotomist during the day to complete protocol orders and straight stick waiting room patients. There are also ED techs who do all of the EKGs. RT is available for vents and ABGs. The hospital has its own internal transport team which is very helpful. Nurses only have to call report to ICU and PCU, and ICU comes down to get the patient after report. Many transfers out to other hospitals-mostly in Boston.
Many behavioral patients and patients from jail/prison. There is a 7 bed locked Behavioral Health Unit in the ER. All nurses - staff and travelers - were rotated into this unit. Overnight, it was staffed by 1 RN, 1 tech, and 1 security. However, security was very hands off- didn't do much at all- and the tech was often pulled to help with EKGs and triage. The RN CANNOT leave the unit unless there is another nurse to cover him/her. Also, the ER doctors don't really want to be bothered with these patients.
Most of the doctors were friendly. Overnight, the night doctors were more approachable than day shift doctors. The midlevel providers were very approachable and easy to work with. There were some doctors who I felt were inexperienced- relying completely on the nurse to put in orders. I questioned their thinking and hesitated with completing some of their orders.
The scheduling coordinator was very difficult to work with. She scheduled me on dates I had contracted off. And then "fixed" it but again scheduled me on another date that I was supposed to have off. She also scheduled me with too many or too few shifts per week. So I had to frequently correct her. She was nice but very incompetent.
Overall, I had a good experience, but I can't really comment what it would be like without COVID and during peak busy season.
The Plymouth area is very nice. A lot of history. There is a lot to do, many great restaurants and also a quick 45 min trip to Boston. 11/02/2020
Housing was approximately 5 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was airbnb. Housing was located in city of plymouth. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 4. Rented an airbnb close to the hospital (5 min away). I was there during the "off season" before summer so there were many places available. However, if I worked during the summer season, housing would be very difficult to find and expensive. I moved for my 4 week extension out to cape cod area which is about 30-45 min away. - I worked in the Emergency Department department(s) in the hospital. One of my favorite assignments! This is definitely a community hospital, but they do get sick patients and allow travelers to take critical patients. The staff is SO friendly and has such a team work attitude. Will definitely be back. 05/09/2019
Housing was approximately 50 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was private apt. Housing was located in city of boston. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 5. - I worked in the emergency department(s) in the hospital. Comments for each area. (1) This part really impressed me, and it's truly what keeps this ER running so well. Almost everyone was really friendly, from the very first day I met any of them. The ER is incredibly tiny and work spaces are tight, but this seems to help contribute to the team-ish nature of their nursing. (2) There were some classes and seminars available, which were open to travelers. Although the hospital offered certifications for free for staff, any non-employee had to pay the full price. (So I opted to do my ACLS & PALS recerts somewhere that was cheaper.) (3) They use the new version of Meditech. It's windows-based now, but I find it much harder to view old records and data. (4) I did't live in the area (opted to take the stipend and lived some distance away). But most of my co-workers lived in or around Plymouth, and the areas are all relatively nice. (5) Not-so-good. The salad bar isn't bad, but there isn't much selection of hot foods. The sandwich/wrap section is closed at dinner time. And the cafeteria closes at 1855. Don't be 1 minute late! (6) There's a parking lot just outside the ED which technically isn't for staff, but the ED uses it. It's very dark at night, though. Security will always walk out with you and make sure you get to your car safely, though. (7) It's rather small, so it doesn't take long to get to other departments. (8) Parts of it are newer. Overall, it's pleasant. (9) There was nothing specific for us. (10) There was nothing out of the ordinary. (11) This hospital was called Jordan. It was acquired by the Beth Israel Deaconness system in the last year or 2. Apparently, it's improved significantly, like opening a cath lab for STEMI's. It still has a long way to go, though. (12) Like the nursing and ancillary staff, the friendliness of the doctors impressed me also. Only a couple were unpleasant. Most of them go by their first names. This always takes me some time for me to get used to, but it does contribute to feeling like more of a team, than like you have to shout across a gaping doctor-nurse abyss. This ED gets crazy busy, andi t's hard to have adequate communication then, but most are willing to stop and explain their plan or answer questions. Most of them are content with you putting in protocol orders also. (13) One woman is in charge of staffing. She was great to work with. I appreciated that she was willing to honor most of my schedule and minor time-off requests (that weren't approved prior to my start date). (14) The woman from #13 posts a request board. I prefer everything electronic, but it works well for her, so I have no complaints. But here come the negative marks... (15) Meditech itself is only part of the problem. I think of "system" as the global approach within the unit, and it's (in part) addressed by the questions which follow this one. So, overall, the system is sub-par, at best. Some issues: You have to receive (recept) your own ambulances, which takes time away from working with your other patients. RNs have to transport their tele patients on a monitor to their admitted rooms. (I've never experienced this anywhere else, aside from patients that don't offer ancillary staff to do this job.) Then you have to wait for staff to be available to receive your patient (though I know this is a problem in many hospitals). At night, there are no transporters, so techs (attendants) have to transport patients to/from radiology, which takes away from their ability to assist in the ED. Techs are also pulled to be sitters. The locked behavioral health unit is often forgotten. As one doctor leaves, patients are passed on and on to the next doctor, so their continuity of care is often fuzzy. Getting new orders is harder than pulling teeth with your bare hands. And, although security is located within that unit, they're on the opposite of said unit. That distance is enough to create a barrier of hostility with some patients. This is only part of it... (16) This part is absurd. When I interviewed, the manager told me their usual ratio is 4:1, though sometimes 5:1, but that 5th patient is usually something easy. Not true! I was often been expected to take 5 and 6 patients, particularly when staffing was poor. And sometimes they would all be heavy patients. In the behavioral unit. the ratio was up to 7 patients to 1 unit (though their schedule calls for 2 nurses) and 1 tech. The tech was sometimes pulled later in the day, though I usually refused this. Patients on CIWA protocols require q2h VS, some of the patients required a lot of behavioral intervention, and some a lot of medications. Without another staff member present, it was near impossible to do everything else expected of me. (17) This is directly related to #16. They don't have enough staff, period. And some of their core staff had left, though they brought in more travelers. But, when there wasn't sufficient staff, they didn't necessarily close beds to accommodate the decrease in staff. No, the staff who were there were expected to take all the patients in their area. And then, when staff left at 2300 and 0300, the remaining staff were expected to absorb those patients - sometimes having 7 patients in the wee morning hours. (How is that ok in an ED??) (18) I think #15-17 answer this pretty well. (19) Surprisingly, staff remained relatively positive (or at least neutral), even with things so rough. I'm not sure I would have lasted if it weren't for them. Sadly, many of them privately expressed that they're getting worn down by the insane staffing and ratio expectations. (20) I wouldn't. Sadly, I love the staff, and I wish that weighed more in favor of my recommendation. But #15-17 outweigh almost everything else. This place just isn't safe to work. 07/11/2015
Housing was approximately unknown mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was unknown. Housing was located in city of unknown. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 3. I took the housing stipend and lived some distance from the hospital. - I worked in the ED department(s) in the hospital. I had only two days of precept and then was thrown out to the wolves, I felt unsafe, overwhelmed and felt like the nursing staff was accountable for many other departmental jobs. For example, the nurse registers all ambulances (reception), the nurse is responsible for all the labs drawn (phlebotomy), the nurse puts in most of the orders and still has to do them (physician), the nurse would have to go retrieve patients from CT if needed (radiology), the nurse administers all the neb tx, ekgs and respiratory therapy was barely used (RT) and once the pt was admitted to the hospital, you were responsible to give and do the MSU orders to the best of your ability if they didn't have a bed for them yet (MSU)! On top of all that, you still had to do your typical emergency tasks/evaluations/assessments. It just seemed wrong all the way around. In my interview she talked about all the ancillary staff they have available to do the med recs, ekgs, techs to help assist patients, blah, blah , blah, don't believe it.
The positives were the nurses that I got to work with, very helpful for the most part and friendly. They were way understaffed but were really hard workers. 07/07/2015
Housing was approximately 16 mile(s) from the hospital. The name of the housing complex was The Village at Marshfield . Housing was located in city of Marshfield. On a scale from 1 to 5, I would rate it a 3. The pool was an added cost of $25.00 per wrist band. Laundry was $5.00 a load. The apartment was clean, nothing exceptional but very doable. It was a 5 mile bike ride to the beach so that was nice. Return to top of page
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