Protocol Executive Staffing

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    1.7 (3 vote)
    Overall User Rating
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    User Review
    • Knowledgeable
    • Friendly
    • Efficient
    • Honest
    • Pay rate
    • Paycheck accuracy
    • Housing
    • Benefits
    • Supportive
    • Assignment selection available
    • Individualized
    • Insurance plan
    • Reliable
    • Accessible
    • Reputable
    • Accommodating
    • Professional
    • Paycheck arrival time
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    3 thoughts on “Protocol Executive Staffing

    1. I really wanted to give them a great rating to trump the bad ones they have received.

      They seem to have an excuse for everything they mess up; that at the end I just did not even respond to anything they said. It was not worth it. Aside for their great pay and insurance they eventually turn around and end up shitting on you. Lets just say they became greedy when the hospital decided to extend me for a third time after an eight month assignment.

      This will be a long review of what ended up happening to me and yet another lesson in life of dealing with travel agencies:

      In the beginning of my assignment they messed up my check several times. That they claimed they over paid me and a couple of times they did not take out my housing deductions. They did not take back my overpayments in pay but of course I had to pay back the housing in increments.

      Futhermore, at the end of my assignment games of taking away my sick time and on call time. “Oh well you are not a CA employee” so we took that away. When benefits are taken way with this agency you do not even see fairy dust. When I was placed on call twice in a two week period became the vendor’s and hospital’s fault. Hence, I should of been paid on call hours and a full day of pay according to my contract.

      When you have to deal with their coordinators, they do not coordinate with you, and do not deal with life circumstances very well. One tried to have me do a drug screen in the middle of moving and then the other threatened if I did not move out to charge me another day of rent. Also, “If you do not fill out this paperwork right now you will lose this apartment!” Pretty fun when you work nights.

      Finally, the greedy story. When I was asked to renew for a third time at the hospital my rate was lowered. They blamed the hospital and then the government. When I asked my manager for a reference I mentioned the rate change in which I had a good relationship with she told me it was not the hospital and the story they told me was FALSE. Plus, nurses talk and their rates were not changing due to the government. Moving forward…

      When I tried to pursue other options, agencies were unable to submit me as I was blocked through the vendor because the agency told the vendor I was extending at the hospital. When I called the vendor to tell them the agency was lying, please let me look for work, and then vendor then told me the agency was the one lowering my rate. OK again trying to move forward…

      The agencies once again tried submitting. I guess the vendor tried calling this agency to get them to remove this block. The agency then called me with another story saying “Oh we paid the deposit on the apartment for your next assignment”. Me being the good person I am believed them and did not move forward…

      After having some bad experiences at this new assignment. I asked my recruiter for some advice, she immediately sent me fees, and then it hit me that when I got to the apartment we signed a whole bunch of paperwork…

      The dates that were signed by the coordinator were not the same dates they said they paid the deposit.

      BUSTED! But, “We value you as a traveler” and of course I get some other lie that I never showed up for work but ok. This time really moving forward and…

      “Happy Nurses Week!”

    2. After being a travel nurse for so many years I should have known something was fishy. I received an offer of a pay package and accepted the same day. It took exactly 3 weeks to get the contract which read NOTHING like what the original package offered. Despite constant calls, emails, and texts to the rep and even the CEO, I was extremely unsatisfied. I felt like I was buy a used car from a shady salesman with all the excuses. Do NOT use this company.

      In the future, if the contract isnt in your hands within a day or two of your interview, move to another company. Do your research and read reviews.

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